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5 pelvic floor muscle exercises at home

The pelvic floor muscles and fabrics are attached to the bones on the bottom of the pelvis. The pelvic organs include urethra, bladder, intestine and rectum, and in cases of women, the pelvic floor also includes…

Something to drink to keep in bed longer

Top 10 drinks that naturally keep in bed longer Most of the time, aging slows our energy and drives for sex. Even slow down the hormonal values. But not every medical problem has its solution in strong medication.…

Sleeping pills can harm your brain

March is the month of the National Sleep Awareness Month.For most of my life, sleep was easy. As a child, my father read a good night story to me - usually "The Giving Tree" - and I sleep before the boy took all branches of the tree. (By…

Biomarker 101

If you have ever diagnosed a state of health, a biomarker is involved, even if you have never heard the word. Biomarkers help health service providers to identify, monitor and determine the risk of diseases - including heart disease, the…

Take your heart during perimenopause

Why does your risk of heart diseases increase when you approach menopause? Estrogen protects your heart because it holds: However, their ovaries produce less estrogen during perimenopause. The decline in estrogen = higher risk of heart…

Sushi – rolls with a questionable diet

Rice, fish raw or cooked and vegetables that are packed in Seang create the masterpiece of Sushi. A sushi date night can be part of a healthy diet. Sushi comes from Japan and has become a popular selection of food with…

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