Yoga teacher training in India

  Yoga is an alternative therapy that is gaining a huge fan following today. However, it was not looked up to in the same way, till a few years back. Yoga is a healing science, which suits everyone. You may be above 60 years of age and…

Healthy SI Joint: Part 3

This entry was posted on Nov 16, 2023 by Charlotte Bell. The last few weeks, I’ve shared posts on this blog about the sacroiliac (SI) joint, a part of human—particularly female—anatomy…

Sushruta Samhita Chapter 46 Annapana Vidhi Adhyaya

This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 46 “Annapana Vidi Adhyaya” – Regimen of food and drinks Annapana Vidhi – Regimen of food and drinks अथातोऽन्नपानविधिमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||We…

Transform Your Life With a Gratitude Practice

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude Psychologist Rick Hanson says our mind is like Velcro for negative emotions, sticking to them. Bad experiences can stay in our minds for a long time. But positive feelings, like Teflon, just slide off. We…

Faculty Feature: Dr. Brenda Krulikowski

In the enchanting world of herbalism and Ayurveda, Dr. Brenda Krulikowski M.A.S., C.A.S., P.K.S emerges as a guiding force. As the Director of Herbalism and a distinguished faculty member at the California College of Ayurveda (CCA), Dr.…

Meet Pablo Imani – Blog

Pablo Imani is a certified Hatha Yoga teacher, a Holistic Health and Wellbeing Consultant and Author of Afrikan Yoga ‘A Practical Guide to Smai Posture, Breath and Meditation.’ He is also the founder of Afrikan Yoga, a system of…

What’s Inside & Where To Find It

Womanhood is a significant transformation in every girl’s life. One of the most notable events during this phase is getting her period. Periods or menstruation is a major puberty milestone. However, the first period may comes with many…

Introducing CALM – Blog – Yogamatters

Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. CALM, the Campaign Against Living Miserably, supports those who’ve hit a crisis point in their lives or those bereaved by suicide. Yogamatters has been…

3 Glamorous Female Care Package Ideas

Self-care and pampering are helpful tools for living a joyful life. Giving a care package is a fantastic idea to show your love and affection to the most remarkable woman of your life. This package usually contains items that a…

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