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Male cat. How to avoid them is an art of careful planning. Party season is upon us, and even though it's a blast, that means we'll have to work extra hard to avoid weight gain, headaches, and embarrassing videos…
Friday Faves 11.17 – The Fitnessista
Hi friends! Happy Friday! How are you? I hope you’ve enjoyed the week. I feel like it was our first *real* week back in the world. I started to ease my way back into workouts, the girls were back at school, and we got to celebrate my…
Thyroids and irregular periods
According to the American Thyroid Association, “More than 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime.” And women are up to eight times more likely to develop a Thyroid condition than men. In fact,…
Under Armour Unveils 2024 Tech and Product Range
Apollo Brands Pty (Ltd), official distributors of Under Armour in South Africa, has unveiled the 2024 in-category product focus and innovation roster.
Told through an immersive fit, the brand highlights three areas of focus in the year…
What I Read: July 2023
Here’s what I read this July
The Five-Star Weekend by Elin Hilderbrand
Every summer I look forward to Elin Hilderbrand’s newest book. I thought this one was fun premise, the premise is that a blogger gathers a group of her closest…
7 cosy self-care essentials for your Friday night in
Looking for the perfect self-care essentials for your cosy Friday night in? Healthista have rounded up 7 of our top picks for an autumnal night to yourself
Now that Autumn is in full effect, I cannot think of anything better…
Best Healthy Foods for Kids to Boost [Immunity & Growth] in 2024
Some of the major factors that contribute to the healthy growth of a child are nutrition and diet. Including sample nutrients in their diet is a key requirement for children of growing age. These nutrients aid in the development of…
Yoga teacher training in India
Yoga is an alternative therapy that is gaining a huge fan following today. However, it was not looked up to in the same way, till a few years back. Yoga is a healing science, which suits everyone. You may be above 60 years of age and…
Shalabasana Mastery: Your Ultimate Guide to Perfecting the Locust Pose
In today’s tech-focused world, hunched backs and rounded shoulders are an unfortunate and all-too-common product of our increasingly sedentary lives. S many of us work online in front of a screen these days — even me, a yoga…
Healthy SI Joint: Part 3
This entry was posted on Nov 16, 2023 by Charlotte Bell.
The last few weeks, I’ve shared posts on this blog about the sacroiliac (SI) joint, a part of human—particularly female—anatomy…
What We Know About Hormones, Brain Fog & Women’s Brain Health
Josey Murray is a freelance writer focused on inclusive wellness, joyful movement, mental health, and the like. A graduate of Wellesley College, where she studied English and Creative Writing, her work appears in Women’s Health, Cook…
Sushruta Samhita Chapter 46 Annapana Vidhi Adhyaya
This article explains Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana Chapter 46 “Annapana Vidi Adhyaya” – Regimen of food and drinks
Annapana Vidhi – Regimen of food and drinks
अथातोऽन्नपानविधिमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||We…
The Surprising Factor Increasing Insulin Resistance In Women 50+
Beyond diet and exercise.
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Top 7 Natural Ways To Help Getting Relief From Sciatica
Sciatica is the irritation, inflammation and compression of the nerve which runs to the lower back and legs. Sciatica usually irritates the sciatic nerves, which involve tingling and numbness. Nerves are the cables which carry…
Transform Your Life With a Gratitude Practice
Ways to Cultivate Gratitude
Psychologist Rick Hanson says our mind is like Velcro for negative emotions, sticking to them. Bad experiences can stay in our minds for a long time. But positive feelings, like Teflon, just slide off.
Faculty Feature: Dr. Brenda Krulikowski
In the enchanting world of herbalism and Ayurveda, Dr. Brenda Krulikowski M.A.S., C.A.S., P.K.S emerges as a guiding force. As the Director of Herbalism and a distinguished faculty member at the California College of Ayurveda (CCA), Dr.…
Dashapushpa 10 Sacred Flowers Uses, Indications, Research
Dashapushpa 10 Sacred Flowers Uses, Indications, Research
To provide the…
Want To Be Healthy? Any Activity (Even Sleep) Is Better Than This
It's no secret that getting enough physical activity is essential to our overall health, but we need to talk about the opposite of physical activity: sedentary behavior. Namely, according to new research published in the European Heart!--$-->…