Mercury Trine Mercury Synastry

Mercury trine Mercury in synastry is a particularly intriguing phenomenon. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, holds sway over our mental faculties and how we express ourselves. When this planetary influence forms a…

Top 10 Vintage Jewelry Blogs

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but words are often still necessary to educate a reader as to what to look when you’re drawn in by those beautiful jewelry pictures. And when it comes to antique jewelry, dedicated blogs offer…

This Is TASTE 358: David Kamp

What a great conversation here with David Kamp, a journalist of the highest order and author of one of Matt’s favorite books about food ever, The United States of Arugula: The Sun-Dried, Cold-Pressed, Dark-Roasted, Extra Virgin Story of…

Pasta Pomodoro Recipe – Simply Home Cooked

Published: Feb 15, 2024 by Dina This delicious Pasta Pomodoro is fresh, filling, and bursting with great flavors. The hot buttered pasta and thick sauce made with garlic and fresh basil are easy to make and will surely become a family…

♥~Girls~Curls~♥: Sweet Sixteen Fun

It's hard to believe that I started this blog about 9 years ago! My baby was only 7 year's old and starting the first grade. Now she is 16 and in the 10th grade. Time goes by so fast and one day you wake up and that beautiful little…

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