Kindness & Coffee Starbucks Instant Win • Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways


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One of the most important things in life is Kindness, which is a virtue. It demonstrates to others your compassion toward them and can be a source of relief from the stressors of everyday life. 

Today, as a simple act of kindness, we are giving away TEN X $10 Starbucks Gift Cards in hopes that the lucky winners will spread kindness and perhaps enjoy a cup of coffee with someone they love. 

Read more and spin to win below.

Kindness & Coffee Starbucks Instant Win

1. Give a Helping Hand

2. Show Gratitude to a Stranger

3. Pay it Forward

4.  Make Time to Connect

5. Show Gratitude to a Stranger


How can you show kindness to others? Let us know in the comments.

Spin to win below.


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