Your guide to making fitness resolutions for the new year


There are only a few weeks left until the new year, which means it’s time to make those resolutions! Use this opportunity to either create new goals or reevaluate your existing ones. Do you need help? You’re lucky! We’ve created a guide to show you how to follow through on your fitness resolutions so you can commit to a healthier lifestyle.

Create the goal

When setting goals, use the SMART framework. What does that mean? Your goal should be:

  • Specific. For example, if you want to lose or gain weight, how much do you want to lose or gain and at what time interval?
  • Measurable. Similar to above, if you are tracking progress, make sure it can be measured.
  • Reachable. It’s good to dream big, but sometimes there are goals that you can’t realistically achieve, at least not in a certain time frame, and that leads to frustration. For example, setting a goal of losing 100 pounds in a month is unhealthy and unsafe. A more realistic goal, depending on your fitness level and experience, might be to lose 100 pounds in about a year. Another example is aiming to go to the gym for an hour almost every day, even though deep down you know you won’t do that. It’s not about completely removing your big goal, it’s about starting small and working your way up! First, try setting a goal of going to the gym at least 1-3 times per week. Once you get the hang of it, you can revise your goal!
  • Relevant. Is this goal really important to you? If you think about being fit and think, “I guess it would be nice” instead of “I really want to be fit,” then that could impact your motivation and discipline later in the timeline.
  • Time bound. Similar to achievable, the time in which you want to achieve your goal should be realistic. It takes time to develop habits and settle into a routine! Focus on smaller goals at first and be gentle with yourself. Once the habit forms, you can adjust your goals as needed.

Create the plan

Now that you know your goal, how do you plan to achieve it?

Either in a notebook, on a whiteboard, or whatever works, start creating your plan! Take a look at your calendar. Consider any other commitments you have and then find a time of day when you can dedicate yourself to your goal. Next, plan the general and specific activities you will do and state the goal for this session, week or month.

If you need help creating the perfect plan and finding a way to best achieve your goal, our experts can help you! For further information please contact your local club.

Find inspiration

Research and get an overview! For example, if your first goal is to attend a yoga class at least once a week, have your clothes ready! Wear them around the house. Check out your aspiring yoga teachers on Instagram and take a look at their class history. Do whatever makes you happy to achieve your goal!

Choose your start date

Your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to start on January 1st and be successful by the end of the month. It’s for the NEW YEAR! Don’t try to rush the process ineffectively, and don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t halfway to your goal by February. First, take some time to get used to it.


Everyone has different goals and fitness levels. So make sure you create goals based on your own realistic needs and wants! However, we have included some ideas that may inspire you. Make sure you make these SMART goals!

  • Train earlier in the morning
  • Make a friend or bring them to the gym with you to create a buddy system
  • Hold a plank (#) seconds
  • Drink (#)L more water every day
  • Train for a (#)km marathon
  • Try a fitness class you’ve never taken before
  • Visit the gym often
  • Create a training diary
  • (#) Lose/gain pounds.
  • Start working with a personal trainer
  • Do more cardio
  • And more!

Do you need a kick start? Check out these 4 tips to start your fitness journey | Women’s Fitness Club (

Still having trouble following through on your New Year’s fitness resolutions? Our experts can help. For further information please contact your local club.

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