Ways to connect with the earth this Earth Day
Wow, we live in crazy times!! New cases of the Covid19 virus appear every day and continue to spread around the world. We are encouraged and asked to limit ourselves more and more in our daily lives in order to live as we used to do “normally”. The majority of people around the world are forced to stay home, not work, homeschool their children, stay away from other people, figure out how to eat and where to get food, wait for government checks and clothing to wear masks and gloves. It’s all a big change so we can find a new way of life and reduce cases of the virus. One of the positive things that has come out of this is that the Earth is getting a break from the impact that humans have had on it. Air pollution is lower, cities have clean air for the first time in years, the oceans are getting a break from cruise ships, trash isn’t seeping into the sea, forests, rivers and mountains. So, Happy Earth Day, Mother Earth!
The only thing that concerns me is the amount of disposable items people are currently using that may end up in the wrong places, like gloves, masks, plastic water bottles, and disinfectant wipes. This Earth Day, there are many things we can do to continue to care for Mother Earth during this time. Here are ways my family and I stay connected to the earth and how we are helping to produce less waste, reuse what we have, and help make this new world an earth-loving place.
Raise animals
When we connect with animals, we are reminded of the simple connection between species. It also reminds us how mysterious life and nature are and how much we like to participate in nature in order to exist. Children learn responsibility and compassion when they spend time with animals. They learn to respect living things simply by being in the presence of an animal. I realize it’s not possible for everyone to raise their own animals, but if you can, it’s a gift. We have chickens and ducks who surprise us with eggs every day. We also have rabbits, sheep, fish, hamsters, dogs and cats. Our animals give us all meaning, responsibility and love and remind us of our deep connection to nature.
Reuse plastic containers
I don’t know about you, but it seems so wasteful to package products in these hard plastic containers. They are not recyclable and are large and bulky. I found a way we can reuse them and give them a second purpose. We converted them into mini greenhouses to sow all of our seeds for the garden. They work so well.
Grow your own food
Growing your own food is an empowering and rewarding feeling. From a seed to a sprout to a plant that produces nutritious food for the body. There are many ways to grow food even if you don’t have a greenhouse or garden beds. You can grow them in pots on your windowsill or simply grow sprouts in a glass jar in your kitchen. Read more about how to grow sprouts in your kitchen HERE. Eating nutritious foods has never been more important for keeping our immune systems in top shape. There is no better way to get nutrients and enzymes than from home-grown fruits and vegetables.
Collect garbage
There is never a shortage of trash to collect. When we went to the river to take a break in nature, we saw trash everywhere. Next time we brought a bag and picked up the trash to keep it from flowing down our beautiful river. It feels really good to clean up the earth. I can feel the earth smiling at us when we do this.
Collect cans for people
Do you have cans in your house? Every month we collect all of our cans and find someone who needs them for cash. Currently, whenever we post something on social media about picking up our doses because there are so many people in need, they are done within minutes. While people are out of work and struggling to feed themselves, put gas in their cars, and pay their bills, giving someone a few bags of cans will help them and free you from trash that will be recycled at the local bottle drop-off point.
We ground ourselves in the earth
As we go through this time in our lives, it is extremely important to take care of yourself. Yes, exercising and eating healthy are helpful, but if nothing else, simply putting your feet on or into the earth is known to have life-changing consequences. Connecting with our energy channels and the rhythms of the earth leads to calming effects and homeostasis in the body. Many people live with great fear and anxiety. I highly recommend taking off your shoes and grounding yourself with the Earth’s energy.
This Earth Day 2020 is a unique day and time in history. The majority of people around the world are waiting at home for a return to “normal life”. What a great opportunity to take the time today to do everything we can to connect with the Earth and honor our Mother. I thank Mother Earth that we are blessed to live on her and I look forward to getting back out and exploring the magnificent beauty that surrounds us.
After all, I am an Earthie Mama 🙂 and today is my favorite day of the year!
Be good out there,