Top 20 food for strong erection
Everything about the food for a strong erection that leaves her in bed for longer
There is nothing better than taking care of your life through food. Food is the most natural way in which you can take care of your health in the best possible way, i.e. without chances of side effects or high expenses for medication.
Even if she is difficult in her sex life, don’t worry. Because you can actually maintain the solutions in the form of certain foods. Below you will find certain foods that are of great benefit to your sex life.
Eating food for a stronger and longer erection
1. Chili pepper
Hot peppers contain a significant amount of capsaicin, the connection that releases chemicals that increase the heart rate, release mirror signs of excitement and feel -good endorphins. that finally increase the metabolism and their duration. Therefore they are Food that Libido strengthen immediately.
2. Ginger
Ginger is another meal that can improve your sex life by supporting blood circulation and improving the health of the arteries. According to a study in the international Journal of Cardiology, it is everything you need to use the heart -healthy advantages.
3. Salmon fish
It is a good source for omega-3 fatty acids that, according to a study in the magazine Food & Function, support nitrogen oxide production and help them to stay hard. Omega-3 fatty acids can also influence sexual hormones such as testosterone and thus improve the erectile function in men with metabolic syndrome. It can be one of the Best foods for erectile dysfunction.
4. oats
Hafer has the wealth source for amino acids of any kind of grain, which is usually used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It helps to lower cholesterol levels, which is very important because high cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, an illness that blocks and narrowed the arteries and impairs blood flow. Which could pave the way to erectile dysfunction again. Therefore, oats can also be considered as one of the Best foods for erectile dysfunction.
5. Knoblauch
Knoblauch can help to stop the formation of new fat deposits in arterial walls, which also contain the arteries near the penis area.
6. Quinoa
Quinoa is one of the few vegetable protein sources and healthy Baser and gives the body more long -lasting energy levels. Therefore it becomes one of the Food that Libido strengthen immediately.
7. Tuna
The vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with erectile dysfunction, which means that this vitamin problems in the bedroom cannot mean enough. Tuna is one of the best sources of this micronutrient. A 142-gram tuna contains 3.65 micrograms B12, which makes up 152% of the DV of this vitamin.
8. Beets
It is known that you increase the total blood flow and also help to increase endurance during training, which can also be helpful for sexual activities.
9. Spinat
It has a high aristocratic content. This amino acid is converted into nitrogen oxide when you enter your system, which helps to initiate and maintain erections. This leaf green is rich in magnesium, a mineral that can increase your testosterone. It also has iron that can help, wish, excitement, orgasm and sexual satisfaction, especially in women.
10. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds have high zinc and magnesium levels, in which two essential minerals are shown that increase testosterone levels. Especially when combined. Magnesium in particular reduces inflammation in blood vessels, which then increase blood flow and help an erection.
11. Dark chocolates
Pralines, especially dark chocolates, are intended to increase the mood hormone serotonin. Click here How dark chocolates are good for their sex life.
12. Austern
Due to their high zinc content, oysters are one of the most famous Aphrodisiac food. If you have a zinc deficiency, your testosterone mirror can score a hit. The zinc supplement in men with zinc deficiency has increased their testosterone levels.
13. Maca
The Maca plant based in the Peruvian mountains has been used to increase fertility for centuries. Studies today indicate that his root can improve sexual desire. Phytonutrients in the plant can also increase the number of sperm and sexual function.
Eating fruits for strong erection
14. Watermelon
It is one of the richest natural sources for L-Citrullin, an non-essential amino acid that your body converts in L-arginine, and it is the L-arginine that can make its erection, good, for lack of words. Like this small blue pill, L-arginine stimulates the production of nitrogen oxide, which increases blood flow to the penis and strengthens the erections.
This juicy fruit serves you a lot of amino acid called Citrullin. That her body transforms into arginine, another amino acid that contributes to relaxing her blood vessels. This increases blood pumps in their sex organs as well as viagra to treat erectile dysfunction.
15. Apple
Apples have a high level of quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid that plays a role in improving endurance. Since a body experiences almost the same physical changes during gender, as it experiences during movement like an increased heart rate, increased metabolism, burned calories and muscle contractions, you can compare the endurance gained in bed with the extension of your time.
16. Bananas
The sexual allusions of bananas may have a real basis. This fruit should be full of simple carbohydrates to offer them energy so that they can continue. Bananas are also full of potassium (about 9% of their DV), a muscle -reliable mineral that can help reduce cramps and muscle cramps that would hinder their sexy time.
In addition, the American Heart Association says that potassium can help reduce blood pressure, which can increase sexual performance by ensuring proper blood flow for certain parts of the body, including genitals.
17th blackberries
Blackberries and other berries are rich in anthocyans, a kind of flavonoid (antioxidant) and increase the production of nitrogen oxide; After all, both help with erectile dysfunctions.
18. Avocados
It is full of heart -healthy fats and fiber that can deliver permanent energy in the bedroom. Avocados are rich in stress-taking B vitamins and also a source for an unsaturated fat that has been shown that it helps the blood flow to the entire body, including the penis.
19th pomegranate
It is rich in antioxidants that support blood flow and increase testosterone levels, which can help improve erectile dysfunction. They are packed with circulation -related antioxidants. Like flavonols, the antioxidants in pomegranates help nitrogen oxide from oxidative stress from destruction.
To eat nuts for a strong erection
20. Walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, cashew, pine kernels and pecans
There are certain nuts such as walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, almonds, P.Eanuts, Cashew, pine nuts and pecans; This is high in the amino acid-L arginine, which is one of the building blocks of nitrogen oxide that is a naturally occurring gas that maintains the erections. To know more around Nuts that are good for erectile dysfunctions