This Week’s Libra New Moon Eclipse – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

Eclipse season is upon us and the hits keep coming. This week’s New Moon in Libra is also an Annular Solar Eclipse, indicating emotional awakenings and coming-to-consciousness especially around partnerships, collaborations, marriages, and other face-to-face relationships. The Sun and Moon will meet up at 10 degrees, 3 minutes Libra on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 2:49 PM Eastern US time, setting off new 30-day and two-and-a-half-year cycles in the Libra house of your natal chart.

One of the most interesting (and delightful) features of the New Moon Eclipse chart is a big old Mystic Rectangle in Earth and Water, stretched across the heavens, with Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, Vesta in Virgo, and out-of-bounds Ceres in Capricorn at its corners. Mystic Rectangles point us towards the talents we’re meant to use in this lifetime. When they occur in Fire and Air, they suggest a time of envisioning, setting goals. When they are in Earth and Water, like this one, they direct us to immediate, practical action.

Two of the four corners of the Rectangle — Mars and Saturn— are traditionally considered “malefic” planets, as they rule the with the effortful or cold or “dark” aspects of our experience: work, conflict, boundaries, action, discipline, control. But don’t get it twisted. Carl Jung was right — we actually NEED our shadow side, which can offer us protection and true wholeness.

By accepting ourselves unconditionally, by integrating the shadow more and more consciously into our sense of self (as this week’s Eclipse energy invites us to do!), we become stronger, more effective, and more self-respecting — and less inclined to blame or condemn other people. Jung wrote: “The best political, social, and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our own shadow onto others.” This is a fraught time on planet earth, but we each can do our part to make it better.

Ceres, the Mother Earth Goddess asteroid, holds the fourth corner of the Mystic Rectangle. She’s been out-of-bounds in Capricorn for some time now, and her interaction with the malefics actually turbo-charges her creative power. Put down those roots now, so when harvest-time comes there will be plenty of produce in your garden to feed yourself, your loved ones, and your community.

Saturn and Mars are also talking to the Goddess of Love in the New Moon Eclipse chart, forming a Grand Trine in Water. As the ruler of the Sun and Moon in Libra (as well as Mercury, Juno, and the South Node in Libra, and Uranus in Taurus) Venus is a particularly powerful ally right now. And, being in Scorpio, she too is fierce and engaged with the shadow. Venus in Scorpio seeks peace and emotional clarity through uncovering the secrets — turning over stones or peering into microscopes, noticing the life that’s flowing all around her and through her.

Was there some sort of big reveal in YOUR life about two weeks ago, on the Pisces Full Moon? Now’s the time to examine and integrate that experience. If in doubt, call on Venus! She wants you to feel the sense of confidence and safety that is really at the core of your specific desires.

Generally, astrologers tell people not to make big life decisions on Eclipses, because there’s a built-in element of unpredictability. Whatever situation you’re dealing with right now, you know that there are many, MANY elements of it outside of your control — and to that we must surrender.

Additionally, this closes up the story from the Eclipses of March and April. The story that opened then wants to wrap up now!

What we can always do, however, is apply consciousness — and the Eclipses help with that, too, because they bring things to light! Notice what you notice, see what you see, and embrace the fullness of your human nature.

And finally, if you’d like to learn more about this week’s Eclipse and how it lands in your natal chart, I invite you to check out my Libra New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar (recorded on Tuesday, October 1st at 7:00 PM Eastern US time).

Big hugs,


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