The Best Beachbody (BODI) Workouts in 2022


Want to know the best workouts on Beachbody on Demand/BODI in 2022? Read on as I cover everything you need to know to get the most out of your membership in the future.

What’s new at Beachbody on Demand in 2022?

The short answer is A LOT. But here are the highlights…

They have launched over 6 new fitness and nutrition programs on the platform including:

In addition to these exclusive programs, Beachbody also merged with OpenFit earlier this year, adding a number of additional programs to the platform. There are too many to list here, but my favorites by far are XB Pilaties and Xtend Barre. Both programs have been instrumental in my own fitness journey this year.

In addition to all of these great programs, Beachbody also launched BODI, which stands for Beachbody on Demand Interactive. These are live workouts that you can join as soon as they happen. Of course, they are all recorded and added to the platform, so there are now literally INFINITE workouts on the platform.

The introduction of BODI changed EVERYTHING

I’ll get into the best workout programs of 2022 on Beachbody on Demand (or now BODI) in a moment, but it’s worth spending a minute checking out the value of these live workouts.

Here’s why they’re great

  • You don’t have to follow any specific program – You can now mix it however you like. This works really well for those of us who get bored easily (hello, ADHD).
  • The training sessions EVERY last 30 minutesso you can get in and out quickly.
  • The workouts are all performed live by BODI super trainers, So it’s always professional, well produced and a great training experience.
  • They bring people together against the backdrop of screens Real people training, live. You can choose to be part of this audience, but don’t worry – they won’t win you over unless you choose to.

The element of surprise and novelty is REALLY important to me because I want to train every day. The daily new workouts made me fall in love with Beachbody again. It’s simply the best value for money on the market.

So what were the best Beachbody workouts in 2022?

This is subjective of course, but I’ll break it down based on interest:

If you want to build muscle

The best training so far is Sure Thing. Megan is an experienced trainer who combines workout design with a science-based approach. She’s also super fun to follow.

If you want to burn fat and “tone up”.

Assuming lifting heavy weights isn’t your thing, I would recommend Barre Blend on BODI. The first Barre Blend program launched in 2019, but now Elise Jones is releasing a series of live, interactive barre classes based on her amazing programming. She has an incredible physique and is proof that you don’t need a lot of space, equipment or jumps to get a great body. With her interactive courses she is the best for me this year. They are that good.

If you want to build strength, lose fat and increase flexibility

If that’s the case, Fire and Flow is the best option. It was developed by two trainers – one focuses on cardio intervals and weight lifting, while the other focuses on mobility and flexibility. If you’re looking for an all-in-one program, then you’ve come to the right place.

If you are a beginner and want something fun and fat burning

Sweat and Sculpt is a great option. It’s fun, has lots of dance moves and isn’t a blast, so it’s ideal for newbies. I enjoyed this program so much and looked forward to my training.

These are my favorites, but I always encourage people to look at all the programs and start with the program that seems most interesting to them. This gives you the best chance of sticking with it. Trust me, once you get some momentum going, it becomes SO much easier to stay consistent because your body craves exercise.

Don’t you believe me?

This is my before and after. I used to be 80 pounds overweight, a chain smoker, and a heavy drinker. Now that I’m in my mid-50s, I feel great and never miss a workout. They are the highlight of my day, and I have Beachbody to thank for that in large part.

Going to the gym every day would be an instant failure for me. Training at home is easy, convenient and takes very little time. It’s also cheaper and I can be as uncoordinated as I want and it doesn’t matter how silly I look.

The Best Beachbody Nutrition Options for 2022

Perhaps what excites me most (besides Barre Blend BODI) is the new “Shake and Hustle” combo package. Now you can get Shakeology and Energize herbal pre-workout in a package price that’s the lowest I’ve ever seen.

I love this because previously you had to buy the pre-workout (my favorite supplement from Beachbody) either alone or with the protein. The protein powder is great, but I prefer the added benefits you get from Shakeology, so this pack is brilliant.

What if you’re brand new to Beachbody?

The best option is undoubtedly to get started with the BOD/BODI subscription – this gives you access to the pre-recorded full programs AND all the live workouts. I also think you should try Shake and Hustle with it as it is by far the lowest price you will pay for supplements.

This means you are insured for the first 30 days. From this point on you have the option to cancel or change the surcharges. Otherwise, they will show up at your door once a month. Some people love it, some people don’t.

You have access to BOD and BODI all year round, so that’s a given.

Do you have questions? I’m here to help you if you do.



Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness trainer and ADHD coach. As founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, nutrition and fitness inspiration, as well as practical ways to promote mind and body wellness.

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