That is the way you just be sure you are literally getting sufficient water


Are you trying to get back on the fitness cart or do you just want to take every step to maintain optimal health? We’ll be the first to be honest enough to tell you that if you’re not properly hydrated, you won’t achieve any of these goals (whether you look good or feel good). Yes, we said it. Research has shown that water plays a vital role in keeping your body running in almost every aspect1 – from regulating your body temperature to eliminating waste. For this reason, it is important to refill your water bottles as we prepare for World Oral Rehydration Salts Day on July 29th. Not only is it a perfect opportunity to hit the reset button when you’re not drinking enough H20 in winter, but it’s also the best time to learn about the importance of staying hydrated.

Signs that you are dehydrated

Since water is so important to the functioning of the body1, which includes avoiding everything from poor performance during exercise to the dreaded feeling of constipation, recognizing the signs is critical …

Here are five common dehydration symptoms to look out for …

  • They are thirsty.2 Obviously. Unfortunately, although thirst is the most common sign, it also means that you are already slightly dehydrated and need to start drinking.
  • Your little one is dark.2 In case you didn’t already know, here is a reminder that the darker the color of your urine and the stronger its odor, the more likely you are to be dehydrated. So, check the toilet after the pee and stay tuned.
  • Cramp your muscles.1 While you may have overdone it at the gym; Weak, crampy muscles can also be a sign of dehydration. Be careful and take a few extra sips before, during, and after your workout.
  • You have a headache or dizziness.2 If you are feeling lightheaded1,2 or experiencing migraine symptoms, it’s time to grab your water bottle. Headache is one of the most common signs of dehydration.
  • You are uh, constipated. If you haven’t been on a regular basis recently or you have to exert yourself, it could be your digestive system signaling you to drink more water.

If you’re experiencing all of the above, no judgment – just get over it, stat. And no, you don’t have to throw back gallons of water to reverse symptoms. Just make yourself more aware that you need to drink enough water. Then stock up your medicine cabinet with an oral rehydration solution – considered one of the greatest medical innovations for treating the various causes of dehydration. This does not mean that you should avoid drinking water1, it is merely an effective treatment for dehydration if you experience any side effects. It is also particularly useful for treating dehydration in frail and vulnerable children that can become life-threatening2, as acute diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death in infants and children.

Introduction to Nudrate

Nudrate oral rehydration salts are made into a solution and help prevent and restore electrolyte loss and dehydration in infants, children and adults3. Its special formulation meets World Health Organization standards and is the most effective intervention in the early stages of dehydration4. Dehydration is especially of concern in young children as they lose fluids faster2, but rest assured, nudrate is suitable for the whole family, from babies to adults3. Rehydration offers a number of important benefits: 4

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