Serious comments about anal itching


Still, don’t be embarrassed if you suffer from anal itching. Unexpectedly, you will find that you are not the only one. Anal itching, medically called “pruritus ani,” is a common condition that many people suffer from. In the United States alone, thousands of people suffer from anal itching.

What are the symptoms of anus itching?

The main symptom is skin irritation. This problem is most serious in the rectum or anus area. This annoyance causes a strong need to scratch. It is important to note that the problem is essentially related to an increase in pressure, humidity and friction caused by clothing and sitting.

Anal itching is worse at night and brings with it a lot of discomfort causing itching, pain, burning and irritation. If not treated properly, it can cause serious health problems such as: B. vaginal itching that gets worse at night or itching in the vulva. Learn more about why vaginal itching gets worse at night and how to control it.

Anal itching can be caused by numerous effects. The website WebMD states: “The problem can be caused by pungent chemicals in the foods we eat, such as spices, hot sauces and peppers. Other problems that cause anal itching include pinworms, hemorrhoids, and cuts on the anal skin (called fissures).

Anal itching affects people of all periods. Whatever, your body type, your age or your health. This problem occurs in reverse for men and women.

Home remedies for anal itching?

Home treatment for rectal itching depends on the cause of the itching. However, because anal itching can be caused by so many different things, determining the cause can be a long process.

My absolute advice is to see a doctor. But if you’re like other Americans and haven’t paid for health care, you may not have the resources. However, if you don’t have paid health insurance in the DC area, contact Unity Health Care if you live in Washington. They will work with you if you are not a plutocrat or have a low income. Your benefits are staggered. Try it anyway.

If you don’t trust the health units and are interested in some home remedies.

Effects of poor hygiene on anal itching

Poor hygiene is considered to be the cause of anal itching. Try gently blotting the area with water-soaked cotton balls, a warm washcloth, or moistened towels such as tucks or “baby wipes.” A mild ointment, similar to AD Ointment or Destin, can be gently applied to soothe the skin and protect it from further discomfort.

How to get control of anal itching

Avoid scented or colored toilet papers or scented cleaning products. Flashback to buying white, fragrance-free toilet paper. Do not use scented cleansers as they can irritate your skin. Apply an ointment containing 1 hydrocortisone. Do not use other steroid creams on this sensitive area of ​​your body. Skin damage may occur. Hydrocortisone cream should not be used for longer than 7 to 10 days without consulting your doctor.

note Do not use the cream on children under 2 years of age unless you contact your health department tells you. Do not use it in the rectal or vaginal area in children under 12 years unless asked by your doctor tells you.

What to avoid if you have itchy anus

Try not to use other steroid creams on this sensitive area. They can thin your skin and cause breaks. Plus, you have a whole new set of problems. Always follow the instructions on the hydrocortisone cream box. It is not recommended to use Benadryl cream that contains antihistamines. However, you can still take Benadryl oral tablets. Numerous people have found great success with the product. And taking Benadryl in flashbacks can make you sleepy.

How to deal with sweating problems

Another problem is sweating. For anal itching caused by excessive sweating, avoid wearing tight-fitting underwear and wear cotton rather than synthetic underwear. Cotton is a natural fiber and permeable. Talc grease paint is also another option. Please do not use cornstarch. There have been cases of skin infection.

Read more: Possible uses of Mela Care skin cream

Some medical professionals and websites encourage you to dry your rectal area with a hair abstinence device set to the low setting before applying talc grease paint. Whatever you do, don’t rub the affected area. However, if you don’t experience any of these effects, take unscented paper napkins or toilet paper and place them in your crack, just in front of your anus. This allows rotation between your butt cheeks and helps the area dry.

How to control itching in the anus

Break the itch-scratch cycle. The more you scratch, the longer the problem persists. The problem can be worse at night. Take an oral antihistamine before bed. Treat yourself to a warm bath. Do this three times a day, after each bowel movement, or as needed.

know more

Avoid caffeine, tonics, beer, spirits, excessive amounts of vitamin C, and flavorful foods for at least two weeks. However, you can tell what’s causing the problem – whether it’s related to food or libations – by incorporating these details into your diet one at a time. Get your stress under control.

Last word:

Anus itching is a common itching problem that occurs in both men and women. Anal itching gets worse at night, which is due to your internal health condition. With the tips discussed above, you can overcome anal itching.

DGS Health


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