Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed – 1 (North Indian Charts) An Analysis Based On Jyotisha Phalaratna Mala Of Krishna Mishra By Shanmukha, India


Article by Shanmukha, India

[Dedication: This first article of my life is reverentially dedicated to my Guru Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Iranganti Rangacharya .]

Sage Jaimini gave utmost importance to Karakamsa chart and dealt with very specific and rare combinations from it. Karakamsa means the Navamsa sign occupied by Atmakaraka planet. Most of the scholars advocated Parasara Navamsa chart to analyze Karakamsa. But, Krishna Mishra in his Jyotish Phalaratnamala advocated another way of reckoning Navamsa chart in line with Prakriti chakra reckoning. My Guru Sri Rangacharya, in his Jaimini Sutramritam, deciphered the verse of Krishna Mishra and advocates using this variation along with Parasara Navamsa chart. This paper is an attempt to understand Karakamsa chapter of Jaimini Sutras in the light of Phalaratnamala manuscript available with us.

The venerable Sage Jaimini explained the Karakamsa in his Upadesa Sutras in the 2nd pada of 1st adhyaya. He says
अथ स्वांशो ग्रहाणाम्
atha svāṁśo grahāṇām

Translation: Now, Sage is talking about the Swamsa. Literally it means the sign occupied by the Swa (Atmakaraka) planet in the Navamsa chart.

Most of the recent commentators of Jaimini Sutras interpreted Swa as Atmakaraka, but Krishna Mishra and his son Somanatha Mishra listed out five types of Karakas to be used in various applications. Out of them, they particularly listed out Swakaraka as the lord of the special Lagna like Hora, Ghatika etc. and gave a great deal of importance. Yet, in this paper, Atmakaraka as Swa is followed.

Atmakaraka: The planet obtaining most advanced in longitude in any sign in the chart. There has been a great deal of discussion of calculating this planet. We follow the method by our Guru, of 7 Chara karakas out of 7 planets (out of 8 planets when two planets are on equal degrees) and condemning Rahu for becoming Atmakaraka .

The movement of planets is very less compared to the Lagna; so, Karakamsa Lagna is, indeed, a very coarse point. So, some scholars coined a new term Lagnamsa (Lagna of Navamsa chart) equivalent to the Swamsa and read the indicated results from Lagnamsa instead, which is not in the spirit of Jaimini.

But in the humble opinion of this scribe, Sage Jaimini himself addressed the situation and precisely gave the methods overcoming this obstacle. The first thing one must recourse in analyzing the horoscope is to judge the strength (for example yoga and avayoga etc.) of the horoscope. So, in Jaimini system, utmost importance is given in analyzing the same and which is based on Yogada planets and Argalas. So, by examining these points, the Yoga on the horoscope could be ascertained and then only the other combinations shall be analyzed within the purview of the strength of chart. Thus, the coarseness of Karakamsa is minimized to some extent. Yet, in this paper, for the sake of brevity and clarity, the charts of established persons are discussed highlighting the importance of Karakamsa.

Karakamsa : It is the sign in which Atmakaraka planet placed in Navamsa chart.

Construction of Jaimini Navamsa Chart:
Krishna Mishra in his Jyotisha Phalaratnamala 1st chapter, 3rd verse explained the calculation of his variation of Navamsa reckoning. The relevant sloka by Krishna Mishra is given here for the benefit of readers.

चरभे चरभात् स्थिरभे नवमात्
सुतभादुभये मुनयोऽपि जगुः
विषमात्क्रमतो विपरीतमथो
विधुरंशक कल्पनमत्र बुधाः

carabhe carabhāt sthirabhe navamāt
sutabhādubhaye munayo’pi jaguḥ
viṣamātkramato viparītamatho
vidhuraṁśaka kalpanamatra budhāḥ


For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius the Navamsa reckoning starts direct from Aries.
For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the Navamsa count is reverse from Capricorn.
For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the Navamsa count is direct from Libra.
For Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the count is reverse from Cancer.

It must be understood that Navamsa reckoning always starts from Movable sign, which is in accordance with Parasara with an exception of Prakriti Chakra reckoning. Krishna Mishra further explains the reckoning of Navamsa in this system in 11th chapter, 22nd verse as follows.

अंशकविभागस्त्वोजे क्रमेण युग्मे तु विपरीतम्
राश्यंशकानि क्रमतः वदन्ति मुनयोऽखिलशास्त्रज्ञाः

aṁśakavibhāgastvoje krameṇa yugme tu viparītam
rāśyaṁśakāni kramataḥ vadanti munayo’khilaśāstrajñāḥ

Translation: The reckoning of Navamsa is regular and zodiacal for odd sign and regular and anti – zodiacal for even sign. So, summarizing the both verses, we can deduce the following table as ready reckoner with an advantage.

Rasi                   1        2        3       4       5       6         7         8         9
Aries                 Ar     Ta     Ge     Cn     Le     Vi      Li        Sc        Sg
Taurus             Cp     Sg     Sc     Li     Vi       Le       Cn     Ge        Ta
Gemini             Li     Sc     Sg     Cp     Aq     Pi       Ar       Ta        Ge
Cancer             Cn     Ge     Ta    Ar     Pi       Aq     Cp      Sg        Sc
Leo                   Ar     Ta     Ge     Cn     Le     Vi     Li        Sc       Sg
irgo                  Cp     Sg     Sc     Li       Vi     Le     Cn       Ge      Ta
Libra                Li     Sc     Sg     Cp     Aq     Pi     Ar         Ta       Ge
Scorpio           Cn     Ge     Ta     Ar     Pi     Aq     Cp       Sg      Sc
Sagittarius     Ar     Ta     Ge     Cn     Le     Vi     Li        Sc        Sg
Capricorn       Cp     Sg     Sc     Li     Vi       Le     Cn       Ge      Ta
Aquarius         Li     Sc     Sg     Cp     Aq     Pi     Ar        Ta      Ge
Pisces              Cn     Ge    Ta     Ar     Pi     Aq     Cp       Sg       Sc

But, in the available manuscript of Kalpalatha by Somanatha Mishra, the illustrated son of Krishna Mishra, gives another way of calculating Navamsa chart, vide the following verse.

अंशक विभागस्तु पुर्वोक्त शस्त्र रीत्येति न

मेषस्य मेषादि वृषस्यतु कन्यादि

मिधुनस्यतु तुलादि कर्किणो मीनादि

aṁśaka vibhāgastu purvokta śastra rītyeti na

meṣasya meṣādi vṛṣasyatu kanyādi

midhunasyatu tulādi karkiṇo mīnādi

Translation: The calculation of Amsa (Navamsa) is not according to the usual method. Navamsa reckoning starts from Aries for Aries, from Virgo for Taurus, from Libra for Gemini and from Pisces for Cancer.

In the humble opinion of this scribe either the above verse is corrupted or interpolated since it is prima face contradicts the important principle of Navamsa starting from movable sign for movable signs as it was stated in the above Kalpalatha’s verse that Navamsas start from Pisces for Cancer. But, Krishna Mishra in his verse stated चरभे चरभात् meaning that Navamsa starts from Movable sign for Movable sign. So, the interpretation given by Sri Rangacharya is probably the correct version of Krishna Mishra Navamsa.

Now, we explain the application of Karakamsa for specific results. Yet, it must be kept in mind that in the Karakamsa chapter of Jaimini Sutras not every house results were indicated, but those principles can be extended with intelligent application. It must be understood that whatever the combinations from Karakamsa, be read from only the Navamsa chart constructed in the above-explained manner. Krishna Mishra in his Jyotisha Phalaratnamala gives utmost importance to the Yogada planet and houses from it, yet in this paper Karakamsa only be discussed.

It has been observed by the scribe that Yogada and houses from Yogada are equally very important and perfectly valid.

Vriddha Karika explains the clue to interpret the Karakamsa chart vide the following verse.

शुभ राशौ शुभांशे वा करकांशे लग्नांशस्ते शुभग्रहे

उपग्रहस्य पाश्चात्ये स्वोच्छ स्वर्क्ष शुभर्क्षगे

पाप दृग्योग रहिते कैवल्यं तस्य निर्दिशेत्

मिश्रे मिश्रं विजानीयात् विपरीते विपर्ययः

śubha rāśau śubhāṁśe vā karakāṁśe lagnāṁśaste śubhagrahe

upagrahasya pāścātye svoccha svarkṣa śubharkṣage

pāpa dṛgyoga rahite kaivalyaṁ tasya nirdiśet

miśre miśraṁ vijānīyāt viparīte viparyayaḥ

Literal Translation: Karakamsa in benefic signs, benefic planets in Lagnamsa and planets in exalted, own house or in benefic signs without conjucntion or aspect of malefic planets indicate moksha for the native. The other effects can be understood from the benefic and malefic influence on the houses and the planets.

The real clue to study the results of planets in the Karakamsa charts was indicated by Sri Rangacharya in his Jaimini Sutramritam and Krishna Mishra also endorses that method. For eample, if Venus in 2nd house, three types of results can be identified according to the longitude obtained by him.

If between  0° – 10°, Involved in Politics,

10° – 20°,Sensuous ,

20° – 30°,lives for hundred years.

But, in this paper a general attempt is made and advanced readers would do well to try those methods.

Houses from Karakamsa Lagna: 

Jaimini dealt with the results of Karakamsa in the 2nd Pada of 1st Adhyaya of Jaimini Sutras. Generally the planets show the influence of the native on the society and their dignity shows the extent to which it effects the society where as the bhavas show the external influence that the sociey puts on the native. So a planet as Atmakaraka indicate the born qualities of the native and in a bhava indicate the circumstances that society creates.

The results of houses from Karakamsa Lagna are indicated below, the list is not complete, though.

• From Sutras 1-2-14 to 1-2-22 the results of the planets in Karakamsa and its second house are indicated. The Sage Jaimini indicated the results in a much-codified “Katapaya” numeric system and word तत्र (Tatra)  numerically means the 2nd house, yet the results can be found from the Karakamsa also. A planet becoming Atmakaraka show the innate nature of the native and a planet in 2nd house show the recognition the native gets in the society.

• For example, Sage Jaimini says

प्रसिद्ध कर्मज्जीवः शनौ १-२-२०

prasiddha karmajjīvaḥ śanau 1-2-20

that Saturn as Atmakaraka indicate the persons nature being karma yogi, yet in second house shows the way  he does his work by the influence of the society and fanlly getting recognized. It was observed by this scribe that whenever the word तत्र (Tatra) occurs in that chapter, the results can be understood either from the concerned house in the previous verse or the Karakamsa itself.

• Malefic planets in 3rd house indicate the person is a brave person. The malefic planets in 3rd and 6th house indicate native either a farmer or a person works hard for his livelyhood (कृषिजीवि — kṛṣijīvi) . The same is case with Jupiter in 9th house of Karakamsa. 3rd house also indicates the diseases and this chapter replete with a number of combinations for various specific diseases.

• Fourth house from Karakamsa indicate the education, the buildings that native posesses and Phalaratnamala gives a great exposition of these results. Sutrartha Prakasika by Nrisimha Suri indicate the mating place from 4th of Karakamsa.

• The Karakamsa Lagna and its 5th house indicate the innate talents and authorship of the native. The connection of Moon or Jupiter with the 5th house indicates authorship for sure and Krishna Mishra gives a number of combinations for excellence in various Indian Languages.

• Seventh house indicate spouse, 9th house shows Guru, adultery and Dharma.

• Jaimini indicates 10th house result with sutra

• रिःफे बुधे दृष्टे वा मंदवत् १-२-४२

• riaḥphe budhe dṛṣṭe vā maṁdavat 1-2-42

• If Mercury is placed in or aspects the 10th house, it gives the results like Saturn.

• Sun in 10th house aspected by Jupiter indicate the person a herdsman.

• It can be understood by looking at the results attributed to the 2nd house and 6th house and with the above cited verse that the planets in the 2nd, 10th and 6th house (for lesser extent though) indicate the professional inclination of the native.

• 12th house shows devotion. Again, Krishna Mishra indicate specific combinations for devotion towards different sects of Hinduism. As it was cited earlier, he gave utmost important to the Yogada planet and attributes 5th house for Devata Bhakti.

In this paper, some illustrative charts will be studied in light of above points, and it would take a complete book to explain each and every combination in Karakamsa chart.

Devotion – Ishta Devata

Though this scribe doesn’t want to discourage the Parasara Navamsa chart for Karakamsa results, but an humble attempt here is made to show the efficacy of the Jaimini Navamsa chart to understand the Karakamsa chart.

Sage Jaimini gave rare combinations to know devotion (Devata Bhakti) aspect of the native vide the sutras from 1-2-71 to 1-2-85. The 12th house from Karakamsa Lagna shows the devotion (Bhakti) of the native and Jaimini gave specific combinations for different forms of Istha Devata. The benefic influence on 12th house indicate the person attaining the mukti and vice versa. Krishna Mishra extended those combinations further and mentions that Devata Bhakti from 5th house of Yogada Planet. The efficacy of this wonderful Jaimini System will be proved with some illustratious charts.

Yoga For Attainment of Moksha, The Final Goal

Sage Jaimini listed in his Upadesa Sutras that benefic planet in 12th house and more specifically Ketu in the 12th house leads to Moksha.

उच्चे शुभे शुभलोकः

ucce śubhe śubhalokaḥ

केतौ कैवल्यं

ketau kaivalyaṁ

When Karakamsa Lagna falls in Sagittarius and Ketu in 12th, the chances of native attaining the higher lokas is certain. Krishna Mishra further extends that the native will attain moksha in this incarnation if these combinations occur in benefic signs.

Sage Jaimini lists out the importance of the sign in 12th house of the Karakamsa vide the sutra

क्रिया चापयोः विशेषेण १-२-७३

kriyā cāpayoḥ viśeṣeṇa 1-2-73

Translation: If the 12th house falls either in Pisces or Cancer or Aries or Sagittarius indicates the person attains final emancipation.

The above principle can be further extended for 12th falling in Scorpio yet for a lesser result.

Example: Srila Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1

(Note: The horoscope was generated using an open source software modified by the scribe. This software is targeted mostly towards Jaimini system. The Savayava Hora Lagna (SHL) and Ghatika Lagna (GL) calculations are based on Jaimini Sutramritam and Jataka Sarasangraha by Raghava Bhatta. TL in the charts shows Tara Lagna, which was erroneously taken as Shri Lagna by some scholars. Phalaratnamala gives the calculation of Shri Lagna, which is, in fact, connected, to Venus and Moon sign lord. I hope now readers could understand why Shri Lagna is important for prosperity and Venus (Goddess Lakshmi), the Karaka for it)

Srila Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Krishna, a great Vaishnava Saint of 15th century in eastern India. He is emotionally attached to Lord Krishna in Madhura Bhakti and often falls into the ecstasy of Love with Him.

Karakamsa in Parasara Navamsa chart falls in Aquarius as Saturn being Atmakaraka. Mars and Sun in 3rd, Venus and Rahu in 4th, Moon in 8th, Mercury and Jupiter in 9th and Ketu in 10th house. Moon in 8th house never been praised by Jaimini literature. Though, malefic planets in 3rd house are a welcome combination, not for Sainthood.

In contract, look at the Jaimini Navamsa chart. Karakamsa Lagna falls in Sagittarius Navamsa and Saturn being Atmakaraka with benefic aspect of Moon. In fact, Moon as Poornargala with no virodhargala, aspecting Atmakaraka itself is pravrajyayogaa for a Saint. Ketu in the 12th house in watery sign with aspect of exalted Sun and Mercury indicate the highest order of spirituality in the native. Mercury in 5th house with Sun gave him the knowledge in Mimamsa Sastra and Vedanta respectively and he defeated most of his contemporary scholars. Full Moon in 10th house aspecting the Karakamsa Lagna with wonderful Argala proves the native’s ecstasy towards Godhead. Sage Jaimini speaks in his Upadesa sutras vide

पूर्णेन्दु शुक्रयोर्भोगी विद्याजीवी च
pūrṇendu śukrayorbhogī vidyājīvī ca

Translation: If full Moon and Venus occupy the Karakamsa or its 2nd, the native will be a person in enjoyment and well educated.

Though Moon is not in KL but for his strong aspect on KL, Sri Chatanya was not in enjoyment of worldly affairs, but He often falls in ecstacy of Madhra Bhakti and He was well versed in the Sasthras.

Example: Ramanujacharya ; 10 Apr 1017; 12:15 hrs; 11N14, 78E56; 05:22 East, India

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1 2

Krishna Mishra is very specific that combination of Saturn with Jupiter, or Saturn in Jupitarian signs makes a person belongs to Ramanuja Vaishnava Sampradaya. In the chart of Sri Ramanuja , the great Vaishnavite Saint, you can find Jupiter in 12th house in Libra navamsa with Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Rahu. The conjunction of Jupiter with Rahu is not welcome, but three benefic planets veto the power of Rahu. Aspect of Moon and Venus does show the attachment He has with God. Jupiter and Mercury with exalted Saturn itself is more than enough to show his devotion towards Lord Vishnu. There is a combination in Phalaratnamala that Saturn with Rahu and aspect of Jupiter and Ketu makes a person a Yati (who is an ascetic, restrained his passions and devotes his life spreading a message). This combination doesn’t apply here in toto, though, Jupiter conjoining Saturn and Rahu made him a Yati, in fact he was revered as Yatiraja (King of Yatis).

Krishna Mishra gives the following combinations for the Vaishnavism.

1. Saturn in signs of Mercury          →         Vishnu Bhakti
2. Saturn in Own Sign                      →         Madhvamatha Sampradaya
3. Saturn with Jupiter                              Ramanuja Sampradaya
4. Saturn in Jupitarian signs                    -do-
5. Saturn with Venus                                Venkatesa Bhakti

It could be understood how much research was done by ancient Jaimini commentators and how the combinations given above, work in Sri Ramanuja chart.

Compare the Parasara Navamsa with Jaimini Navamsa chart, where in 12th house was not occupied by any planet excepting the aspect of a no. of planets, which is not enough to prove his phenomenal qualities.

The 5th house not occupied by any planet in Jaimini Navamsa, but Sun aspects it with Poornargala shows his excellence in Vedanta and Bhagavatgita. He wrote Sri Bhashya on Brahma Sutras and Gitabhashya on Bhagavatgita.

The yoga of Ketu in 12th for highest order of spirituality can be found in horoscope of Ramana Maharshi and Srila Pabhupada Bhakti Vedanta Swami, the founder of ISCKON.

Example : Srila Prabhupada; 01 Sep 1896; 15:24 hrs

• Some scholars erroneously take Rahu as Atmakaraka and in our humble opinion Rahu can’t become Atmakaraka and will prove his spirituality with Jaimini Navamsa.
• Srila Prabhupada has Karakamsa Lagna in Taurus for Moon being Atmakaraka and Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu in 12th house. This combination itself shows the combination for renunciation of life.
• As explained elsewhere in this paper, the combination of Jupiter with Mars and the influence of Ketu lead the person to renunciation.

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1 3

• Jupiter in 12th and strong aspect of Mars with Ketu and Saturn in 12th house, though in the malefic sign, for the association of Jupiter the native is considered one of the greatest Vaishnava Saints of the last century.
• Moon in Karakamsa and Sun in 5th house made the native to translate and comment on various Hindu scriptures.

Example: Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara Maharaja; October 12th, 1895; 23:38 Hrs LMT, (-5.53.20), Mayapur, 88E11, 22N34, India. (Courtesy: Robert Koch’s The Spiritual Dimensions in Vedic Astrology)

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1

Atmakaraka is Sun placed in Virgo in Rasi Chart, in Virgo in Parasara Navamsa and in Taurus in Jaimini Navamsa chart. If you look at Parasara Navamsa, Mars occupies 12th house from Karakamsa, which may show devotion towards Nrisimha Deva for a Vaishnavite. But Srila Sridhara Maharaja was ardent devotee of Lord Krishna.

Now, look at Jaimini Navamsa chart given above. AK Sun occupies Taurus Navamsa and 12th house is occupied by Moon, with aspect of Venus and well-placed Saturn. Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya is believed to be initiated by a Vashnavaite from the order of Madhva Sampradaya. Krishna Mishra attributes the influence of Saturn in own signs for the path of Madhva Vaishnava Samradaya and the aspect of Venus from a Watery sign indicate the subtle connection with Radha Devi in Goudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya. Sun being Atmakaraka and the 2nd house from Karakamsa is occupied by Mars and aspected by Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu from Pisces and Ketu from Virgo. The influence of two benefic planets Jupiter and Mercury indicates that Srila Sridhara Maharaja’s excellence in Vedic scriptures, his authorship and renunciation in life. You can’t find these yogas from Parasara Navamsa chart.

Example: Birth details withheld for obvious reasons

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1 5

Look at this chart of a most famous and equally criticized astrologer on the Internet Jyotish forums. In this chart, Saturn and Jupiter occupy the equal degrees and since the tie is between AK and AmK planets, no Rahu intrusion is necessitated. So, Saturn becomes Atmakaraka for being most advanced in longitude.

Saturn and Rahu in Karakamsa Lagna, Mars in 5th, Sun in 9th house. Sage Jaimini says

त्रिकोणे पापद्वये मान्त्रिकः
trikoṇe pāpadvaye māntrikaḥ
शुभ दृष्टे अनुग्राहकः
śubha dṛṣṭe anugrāhakaḥ
पाप दृष्टे निग्राहकः
pāpa dṛṣṭe nigrāhakaḥ

Translation: If both 5th and 9th occupied by malefic planets, then the native will be adept in mantra sastra. If benefics aspect, he will protect the people and if malefics aspect will control the spirits.

This native is a very advanced in mantra sastra, prescribes the mantras according to the doshas in the horoscope and also wrote an excellent textbook on remedies using mantra sastra. Look at the aspect of the most benefic planets on trines. Jupiter from Sagittarius, exalted Venus and Moon from Pisces, aspect the 5th house, Mercury from Leo aspect the 9th house, which show the transformation from a mantrik into the person who protects. Though the Parasara Navamsa chart show the influence of malefics on trines, but Jaimini Navamsa is very clear with powerful aspect of all benefics on trines.

This native claims to be a Vaishnavaite and devoted to Lord Jagannatha. In Parasara Navamsa chart, Mercury occupies the 12th house in Leo, which shows that. In Jaimini Navamsa chart, no planets occupy the 12th house, Mercury and Ketu aspect the 12th house. The aspect of Mercury does show the devotion towards Vishnu, this scribe strongly opines that the native shall involve in Ganesha worship, for the aspect of Ketu on 12th house. The aspect of Ketu is more powerful than Mercury’s since more planets involved in Argala for Ketu.

No planet occupies the 2nd house and Jupiter from Sagittarius aspect the 2nd house. Since Jupiter has two powerful unobstructed argalas and Jupiter being in a Dual sign constitutes Tripadargala , which show the native gets his living from teaching and consultation.

Saturn and Rahu in this chart occupy Karakamsa. Rahu’s occupancy of Karakamsa lagna may indicate the allegations he receives now and then of deceiving others. This scribe reserves his opinion in this regard, though Krishna Mishra never praised the association of Rahu in Lagna.

Example: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 18-2-1836; 6:23AM, 87E44, 22N53

Readers may criticize me for using a different horoscope than the usual one, but I have seen a hand calculated horoscope by an eminent scholar Sri Vedavyas , where he used probably his own Ayanamsa. In that chart Rahu moves back to Sagittarius Navamsa conjunct Sun and Moon becomes most advanced planet in longitude.

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1 6

In the horoscope of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, some scholars take Rahu as Atmakaraka, but based on our experience and teachings of our Guru, Rahu is condemned for being AK. According to Vriddha Karika, when two planets occupy same degree, then only Rahu can be considered for Chara Karaka scheme, as is the case with this chart. Yet here, since the tie is between AK and AmK, and Rahu is prohibited from becoming Atmakaraka, so Moon becomes AK here for being most advanced planet.

Now, look at Parasara Navamsa, Moon occupies Aries Navamsa and 12th from Karakamsa is not occupied by any planet. Sun from Sagittarius and Venus from Virgo aspects the 12th house Pisces. Jaimini instructs us that Bhakti towards Shiva and Lakshmi for Sun and Venus respectively. But, it is well known fact that Sri Paramahamsa was strong devotee of Goddess Kali which cannot be easily explained with Parasara Navamsa.
Now, look at Jaimini Navamsa given above. AK Moon occupies Aries Navamsa in this chart with no planet in 12th house from Karakamsa and aspects by Rahu and Sun from Sagittarius, Ketu from Gemini.

Now, observe the two aphorisms of Sage Jaimini.

रवि केतुभ्यां शिवे भक्तिः
ravi ketubhyāṁ śive bhaktiḥ

Translation: Sun and Ketu in 12th house of Karakamsa Lagna indicate the devotion towards Lord Shiva.

राहुणा तामस्यांदुर्गायां च
rāhuṇā tāmasyāṁdurgāyāṁ ca

Transaltion: If Rahu in 12th it indicate devotion towards Godess Durga or to the Tamasic deities.

Though, Rahu is not in 12th house from Karakamsa lagna, but then he strongly aspects Pisces from the frontal aspect of Sagittarius making it a very strong aspect. The planets Sun, Rahu and Ketu clearly indicate the devotion towards Saivite Gods and especially the eternal attachment that Sri Ramakrishna had towards Goddess Durga.

Amatyakaraka is Mars and Sage Jaimini instructs us to see devata bhakti (devotion to a particular deity) also from 6th planet from Amatyakaraka vide Sutra Amatya Dase Chaivam. Hence the 6th planet from AmK Mars is Rahu. Count like this, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu . So, Rahu indicate bhakti towards Goddess Kali, Tamasic form of Goddess Durga.

Example: A Male native. 09 May 1979; 00:12 hrs, 17N41, and 83E03, IST

Real Jaimini Navamsa Revealed - 1 7

Over the years this native has been puzzled about Ishta Devata. He feels strongly attached towards Lord Rama and Lord Shiva, yet the Parasara Navamsa doesn’t give any clue about that. Venus being Atmakaraka placed in Aquarius in Parasara Navamsa chart, with no planet in 12th house. Hence the lord of 12th Saturn shall indicate the Ishta Devata which possibly could be Lord Vishnu. Now, if you look at Jaimini Navamsa chart, Atmakaraka Venus occupies Sagittarius Navamsa and its 12th is occupied by Sun aspected by Ketu, Mercury and Mars from Aries. It explains the native’s attachment towards Lord Rama and Lord Shiva being the family deity of the native.

The native is known for his good reasoning, logical thinking often argumentative in his circles, often fond of reading legal cases in the newspapers due to the occupancy of Mercury and Mars in the 5th house, which is not found in Parasara Navamsa chart. Sage Jaimini Says

बुधेन मीमांसकः
budhena mīmāṁsakaḥ
कुजेन नैयायकः
kujena naiyāyakaḥ

Translation: If Mercury occupies the Karakamsa Lagna or its 5th house, then the person will be adept in mimamsaka sasthra, and if Mars occupies them, then the native will be a logician or a lawyer.
If you look at the 3rd house in Parasara Navamsa chart, three malefic planets found, which accroding to Jaimini produces a very brave person. Yet, the native is not that brave, though argumentative. But in Jaimini Navamsa chart, no planets in 3rd and Jupiter placed in 6th explain the native’s cowardary.
Sage Jaimini says

कर्मणि पापे शूरः
karmaṇi pāpe śūraḥ
शुभे कतरः
śubhe kataraḥ

Translation: If a malefic occupy the 3rd house, it makes a brave man whereas benefic makes one timid.

Although this article might be portraying Parasara Navamsa as not to be included while doing Jaimini astrology but it is not the intention of this writer, his Guru has categorically said not to totally ignore Parasara Navamsa while doing Jaimini astrology and also said that Parasara Navamsa does not explain the sutras of Jaimini most effectively. In contrast Krishna Mishras Navamsa does explain the Karakamsa chapter of Jaimini Sutras effectively. There is more to this and will be continued in the 2nd part of this article.

About the Author: Shanmukha a.k.a T.S.V.R.Nageswara Rao, is 30 years, a graduate in Electonics and Communication Engineering, works in a Science organization of Indian Govt. He started his study of Astrology when he was 22 years old and though not traditionally trained, he is very fond of the wonderful system of Jaimini and learns it from his Guru Sri Iranganti Rangacharya. He, is now working on ancient commentarties on Jaimini and writes some of his musings on Jaimini system at his personal blog

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