Beyond diet and exercise.
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Top 7 Natural Ways To Help Getting Relief From Sciatica
Sciatica is the irritation, inflammation and compression of the nerve which runs to the lower back and legs. Sciatica usually irritates the sciatic nerves, which involve tingling and numbness. Nerves are the cables which carry…
Transform Your Life With a Gratitude Practice
Ways to Cultivate Gratitude
Psychologist Rick Hanson says our mind is like Velcro for negative emotions, sticking to them. Bad experiences can stay in our minds for a long time. But positive feelings, like Teflon, just slide off.
Faculty Feature: Dr. Brenda Krulikowski
In the enchanting world of herbalism and Ayurveda, Dr. Brenda Krulikowski M.A.S., C.A.S., P.K.S emerges as a guiding force. As the Director of Herbalism and a distinguished faculty member at the California College of Ayurveda (CCA), Dr.…
Dashapushpa 10 Sacred Flowers Uses, Indications, Research
Dashapushpa 10 Sacred Flowers Uses, Indications, Research
To provide the…
Want To Be Healthy? Any Activity (Even Sleep) Is Better Than This
It's no secret that getting enough physical activity is essential to our overall health, but we need to talk about the opposite of physical activity: sedentary behavior. Namely, according to new research published in the European Heart!--$-->…
Meet Pablo Imani – Blog
Pablo Imani is a certified Hatha Yoga teacher, a Holistic Health and Wellbeing Consultant and Author of Afrikan Yoga ‘A Practical Guide to Smai Posture, Breath and Meditation.’ He is also the founder of Afrikan Yoga, a system of…
Does Your PMS Come With A Side Of Rage? Here's What To Do About It
Premenstrual irritability is real.
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What’s Inside & Where To Find It
Womanhood is a significant transformation in every girl’s life. One of the most notable events during this phase is getting her period. Periods or menstruation is a major puberty milestone. However, the first period may comes with many…
Introducing CALM – Blog – Yogamatters
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. CALM, the Campaign Against Living Miserably, supports those who’ve hit a crisis point in their lives or those bereaved by suicide. Yogamatters has been…