January Tech Backgrounds:

At long last, the New Year is here. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m ready for a fresh start. It’s time to dust off those planners, get out our glitteriest party dresses, and get ready to make…

Connemara Calling – Tango Diva

The Emerald Isle is a mysterious and beautiful place brimming with history, natural wonders and lots of magical stories. And, one is sure find a bit of Craic (Irish fun) around every corner and in every local pub. My summer travel…

Beyond Binaries: Queering The Lens On IPV

2024 saw many historic and horrifying moments – nationally and globally. Beyond genocides, alarming climate records, and civil unrest – sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) took over a significant part of the public rhetoric in India, as…

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