Introducing CALM – Blog – Yogamatters


Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. CALM, the Campaign Against Living Miserably, supports those who’ve hit a crisis point in their lives or those bereaved by suicide. Yogamatters has been supporting CALM by offering the option of a donation at checkout and, since 2019, this has raised £14,000 for the charity.

So let’s find out more about CALM…

How did CALM the charity come about?

The charity CALM was first launched as a pilot in Manchester by the Department of Health in December 1997, and rolled out to Merseyside and Cumbria in 2000, and later Luton and Bedfordshire. CALM was established as a national charity on 31 March 2006.

How has CALM changed over the years?

CALM was originally aimed at men aged 15-35.  By 2011, it was clear that the volume of male callers aged over 35 was becoming growing and suicide among older men was increasing. The charity now covers all men in the UK.

CALM launched its London CALMzone in November 2011, with a world class line-up of DJs including Zane Lowe playing at Topman’s flagship store in Oxford Circus.

How can CALM support you?

Anyone can hit crisis point. CALM can help you find the advice and support you need near you and runs a free and confidential helpline and webchat – 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year – for men in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support. To find out more, click here.

CALM also supports those bereaved by suicide, through its Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP).

How can you support the work of CALM?

Everyone has a part to play. CALM is always looking for individuals to volunteer and to fundraise.

CALM also campaigns with media partners, brands and ambassadors to raise awareness of male suicide, provoke debate and change culture around gender, mental health and masculinity with high-profile campaigns like #Project84, #DontBottleItUp and The Best Man Project.


Do show your support for the amazing work of CALM through a donation at the Yogamatters checkout next time you place an order with us.

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