Interview: Kelsie Huff & Amy Sumpter on the Return of The Kates – 2/7 at The Lincoln Lodge


They say that “all good things must come to an end,” but in the case of The Kates – a Chicago comedy showcase that highlights women, non-binary folks, and artists with unique fem perspectives – it’s more like “all good things must make a triumphant return.” The collective, which was forced into hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is coming back to the stage for the first time in four years with a highly-anticipated show taking place at The Lincoln Lodge on Friday, February 7.

The Kates hosts and producers Kelsie Huff – who is also the showcase’s founder – and Amy Sumpter – took time out to share all the details on what to expect from The Kates 2.0, everything from how their comedy shows aim to create community to valuing camaraderie over competition to the soul-nurturing necessity of having a stress-free space to share a few laughs.

“If you want to feel the power of unheard voices, sharing bonkers experiences while being unapologetically funny, you should show up,” said Huff of the upcoming show at The Lincoln Lodge, where The Kates will be performing on the first Friday of the month, every month moving forward.

In the past, The Kates performed at a number of non-traditional spaces, most notably The Book Cellar. The Lincoln Lodge, where Huff also works, promises to be a match made in heaven for the group as it is the longest running independent comedy showcase in the nation with a reputation for nurturing a wide variety of comedic voices and talents both on stage and through a variety of classes.

“2025 is The Lincoln Lodge’s 25th anniversary. So it’s been here for 25 years. Also, one of the things I like is there’s no drink minimum. So it’s wonderful in terms of having comedy being, socio-economically viable as an art form for every class, every race, every gender. It is extremely accessible in Chicago,” said Huff, adding, “And the space itself is owned by In These Times, which is a publication that is very inclusive. They have this socialist mindset, where they want everybody to be able to come to a show and it’s a very cool vibe.”

The Kates will unfold like a traditional comedy showcase with a headliner, host, and featured comics as well as spots for newer comedians. The Feb. 7 show will feature Huff as host with sets from Kaitlyn Braswell, Jen Bosworth-Ramirez, LT PHD, Sam Rocha, and Sumpter.

“We still want to hold on to the weird. We still want to hold on to, like, if you are hilarious and you have a hilarious story, or if you could stand on your head and recite all the presidents in a funny way and not make us cry. Cool, we want to see it, you know,” said Sumpter. “There’s room for everyone at The Kates table. It’s inspiring to see people perform your showcase and then suddenly they have their own showcase or are on someone else’s lineup. It’s just spreading the joy. Let’s help each other out, especially now. We don’t have to be siloed.”

The Kates

In the spirit of fostering community, The Kates is expanding its reach a bit to be even more inclusive to like-minded creatives.

“We’ve been known for creating these inclusive and uplifting spaces, but I think we are evolving. Seventeen years ago, we didn’t even have the language that we have now, and Amy and I are also learning and evolving as human beings, right? After all this evolving and growing and shifting and opening and unlearning and learning and all of the things, The Kates is still a platform that embodies that fem vibe. So yes, the lineup will be mostly women and non binary. We are opening it up to she/they/gay vibe, creating a home for everyone who sort of resonates with the spirit of the other. So we’re gonna just celebrate like the witches and the brainiacs. You know, the creatives, the gamers or whatever, the rebels, the rascals – everybody who feels unseen. You can shine the light here. And so that also means men who are trying their very best and pushing towards the light,” said Huff.

Sumpter added with a laugh, “The Rebel Alliance needs to unite against evil forces, and we need to let everybody in.”

With The Lincoln Lodge as the setting and Huff and Sumpter as hosts, The Kates Feb. 7 showcase promises to be a hilarious homecoming for a Chicago comedy institution that has been greatly missed.

“Everybody should come see the Kates.” said Sumpter encouraging anyone and everyone to come on out for some laughs and maybe even the start of a hilarious new passion. “Okay, it’s Friday. It’s the end of the week. We’re all tired. We’re all like, ‘Oh man, the weekend.’ But also, like, ‘I don’t want to cook dinner.’ Just come to The Kates. There is a bar. It has everything. There are Pringles, so you can get a little snack. And then after the show, there’s an awesome ramen place across the street, as well as a bunch of little restaurants all over the place. Go get a taco. I don’t know, live your life, but just come relax, have a great time. Get your friends and go out on a Friday night. Live it up, you know. And then you’ll laugh, and you’ll be like, ‘Oh, wow, maybe I want to do that.’ Then take a class. Come on, let’s do it, beautiful.”

Tickets for The Kates Feb. 7 performance are available now via The Lincoln Lodge. More information about upcoming shows can be found by following TheKatesComedy on Instagram and other socials.

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