Give yourself a clean slate


The word “peace” comes up a lot in the EBT community. The first reward is Sanctuary: Peace and makes it from the inside. How can we use EBT to enable this difficult -to -grapple internal experience in which we can feel how our whole body relaxes and know that we are at home, safe and peace from the inside?

One could say that every shimmering moment delivers this peace with a quick spiral in the app. Or maybe after the way back and removing it is so much disorder from the depths of your brain and the fastening of your joy so often that you have a setpoint in joy.

The essentials of peace from the inside

However, this feeling of peace inside is so important that the skills of experiencing it are integrated into the progressive courses of the methods. “Get a clean slate” again and again after another, is part of the joy of the method. The path to this is spiritual in nature, but also the tools, so it makes sense that each of the emotions of the cycle tool would be included in the process.

One way to lead yourself to peace inside and feel that you have a clean table in which the confusion, self -accusation and in general “I don’t feel comfortable in my own skin” is due to tender, but gravel, even spiky sadness.

Tender, gravel sadness

The undesirable gift of trauma and the experience of stress overload is a separation. It must be because the stress chemicals send the prefrontal cortex on its own trip to the functional disorder and the emotional brain becomes our controller. These reactive wires have their today and we will have extreme emotions and a bad feeling inside.

The journey back to peace can be long because we have to put the brain together again. That means doing many cycles, everything with Red Hot A+ Anger as we feel so bad. Who doesn’t have to protest against all this pain and self -assessment? Over time, however, the debt expression in the cycle tool awakens and tells us one or two things about what we have contributed to the problem. That is very helpful.

Self -fore first

As an active Ebter, I found that if I made enough cycles to clarify which circuits were activated, and it is completely reasonable that I make this mistake and re -wired them. I can relax and love myself again. It seems that the emotional brain is quite demanding in this way and without the circuits that caused the problem not to leave me in peace.

How perfect is that? When we all re -allowed, we give ourselves neuronal security that we will not mess again in this special way. But only after the healing to the point that we can forgive ourselves and keep ourselves “shamelessly” can the delicate, gravey sadness appear in our inner life.

Deal in the sober grief

When all these circuits have been clarified, we can be aware of how we others and the spiritual, all sham -free ones that we influenced. Remember that we are these precious little beings that are immensely vulnerable because our emotional brain has no walls and circuits that land without our permission or our awareness, and of course we will be neglected.

But the delicate, gravel sadness comes when we have the self -regulatory strength and the setpoint to maintain our feelings when we think about how we influenced others. My father, Jack, always told me that I should do things that I didn’t want to do because it put “hair on my chest”. This grief does that.

Catapulting the joy

What follows from my own experience is peace. To be the imperfect people we are and appreciate how our every action can help others or harm each other and the cosmos provides an injection of emotional and spiritual sobriety. All core expectations of EBT are infinitely stronger: I exist. I am not bad. I have power. I can do good. I can love. I am worthy and can not only enjoy, but my essence is joy.

Why is the clearing of emotional disorder fundamental to any faulty circuit that we delete? Perhaps it is because it is our way to freedom from the past and a scientific, organized way of giving us the clean slate that we thought of that he would never belong. It can be us through this way of the intention.

What a pleasure to know that we have a process that we can rely on and that in our connections, groups and communities are surrounded by others who decide to clean their own slates and celebrate the journey. I celebrate this every day and hope that you do it too.


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