Expected side effects, Precautions to be taken, Management
Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S
Snehana can be administered for all dosha conditions. So, pitta is not an exception. Virechana is the best treatment for high pitta individuals and high pitta disorders, Vamana too. For administration of vamana or virechana, snehana and swedana are mandatory purvakarmas (preparatory procedures). So, snehana will inevitably come into the equation while dealing with high pitta conditions.
But there are certain particular rules and regulations which need to be followed as per instructions by Acharyas in the treatises. Else, side effects of snehana shall occur.
In this article we shall discuss the use of snehana for pitta individuals, the side effects of wrongly administered snehana, precautions to be taken and methods of managing the ill effects of erroneously administered snehana in pitta conditions.
Snehana in Pitta individuals and conditions in which side-effects can be expected
Side-effects of administering snehana during mid-day, daytime or summer
In cases of high pitta conditions, Snehana should be administered in the evening time, and also in high vata conditions. In case of high kapha conditions, snehana shall be administered during mid-day.
Side effects of snehana can occur if it is administered against these rules i.e. if snehana is administered during mid-day in high pitta conditions.
Administering snehana in daytime or mid-day in pitta (and vata) conditions can cause side effects like bhrama – fainting, trshna – thirst, unmada – insanity, psychoses, kamala – jaundice etc. Similar side-effects or complications occur if snehana is done in high pitta conditions at day time in grishma rtu i.e. summer.
Precaution – Gauze the daylight and season before administering snehana in pitta individuals and in pitta disorders.
Side-effects of administering snehana in excessive dose
Pitta people will have Mrdu Koshta i.e. easy bowel movements. Sneha has Sara Guna i.e. ‘flow’ quality. When Sneha is given in more doses to people with Pitta predominance, it will induce purgation. So, the intention with which Sneha has been administered will be nullified. So, dose calculation of Sneha, though, is an important and challenging part of preparatory procedures for Panchakarma, more so in conditions and persons having pitta predominance.
Precaution – Make sure your mathematics in relation to calculation of accurate dosage of Sneha for pitta is spot on.
Side-effects due to form of Sneha used in Snehana
Sarpi / Ghrita – ghee is the preferable Sneha for vata-pitta persons and vata-pitta disorders.
Taila – oil should be administered in conditions caused by increased vata, kapha and meda, preferably in cold seasons. Administration of taila in pitta persons and in pitta disorders would aggravate pitta and cause pitta related symptoms and complications as side-effects of snehana.
Precaution – While dealing with pitta, prefer ghrita and avoid taila.
Side-effects of Sneha in pitta individuals in relation to kostha
Pitta individuals have mrdu kostha i.e. easy or smooth bowel movements. In comparison to kapha and vata individuals, defecation is easy in pitta individuals, owing to sara quality of pitta, which has a natural tendency to flow out. These individuals purge just by intake of sugarcane juice, jaggery, curd-water, milk, curds, sweet pudding (payasa), ghee, krshara etc. So, caution should be taken while giving ghee therapeutically, especially in deciding the right dosage. Mrudu Koshta is due to the dominance of pitta in grahani – small intestine and least influence of kapha and vata in this zone.
Precaution – should be taken in deciding the proper dosage of Sneha – ghee.
Side-effects of Sneha administered when there is high pitta in grahani along with strong digestive fire
When there is high pitta in the grahani – duodenum / small intestine and strong digestive fire, the Sneha taken by the person will quickly be digested in no time, by the action of strong agni – digestive fire. The strong agni consumes even heavy doses of Sneha and after quickly digesting it would displace ojas from its place, and aggravates thirst with severe dreadful complications. Even heavy foods taken would not satisfy the agni which has severely increased due to consumption of Sneha.
Precaution – The status of pitta in the intestine and the nature of agni should be analyzed before deciding to administer snehana for pitta individuals because agni itself is represented in the pitta.
Management – The person will not feel satisfied if he does not drink cold water at this time. Therefore, cold water is the sole remedy for the person at this point of time. If he does not consume cold water in this condition, he may die, just like a venomous snake lying amidst a heap of wood dies with the fire of its own poisonous breath.
If the patient gets severe thirst due to indigestion of Sneha, vamana – emesis should be administered, after having given cold water and unctuous foods.
Side-effects of administering achcha-sneha in severe pitta increase and sama pitta conditions
Accha Sneha – unmixed / pure ghee should not be administered in case of severe increase of pitta and also in conditions wherein there is association of ama with pitta i.e. sama pitta conditions. If taken, it may cause a severe form of jaundice and may prove fatal by severely impairing the consciousness.
Precaution – Achcha Sneha should be avoided when there is severe pitta increase and in presence of signs and symptoms of sama pitta.
General Management
The side effects of improper choice or administration of snehana in pitta individuals or high pitta conditions shall be in accordance with the side effects which get manifested.
Depending on the side effects or improper signs of oleation, one or more of the below mentioned measures should be adopted in managing the conditions – Vamana – emesis
- Vamana – emesis
- Swedana – sudation
- Langhana – lightening therapies, fasting
- Virechana – purgation
- Triphala Churna administration
- Takrarishta administration
- Snigdha Annapana – unctuous foods and drinks
- Gomutra – urine of cow
Specific management of side-effects of Sneha in pitta individuals and high pitta conditions have been mentioned in the above paragraphs, as per the context and need.