Ethically Sourced Diamonds: Your Complete Guide


What is an Ethically Sourced Diamond?

Ethical diamonds are mined, processed, and sold in a manner that’s respectful of human rights, the environment, and the communities they come from. It means miners, cutters, and everyone along the supply chain are paid fairly, treated ethically, and the diamonds are extracted and processed using environmentally responsible mining processes.

Keep in mind, diamond mining is inherently an unsustainable and environmentally disruptive practice. Be wary of anyone that claims their diamonds are ‘sustainable’ – this is greenwashing and simply isn’t possible. What is possible is better, more responsible extraction techniques like reduced water usage, land reclamation, using renewable energy, and avoiding toxic chemicals. Ethically mined diamonds make use of the least damaging practices available.

This is why we prefer the term ‘responsibly sourced diamonds’ – making the most responsible sourcing practices possible.

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