CCA Graduate, Sumita Vasudeva’s Success Through The Years


Sumita Vasudeva is a 2002 graduate of the California College of Ayurveda.

With a certification as a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist Sumita has now walked the journey of Ayurveda as a practitioner for nearly 23 years. This is her story.

Sumita began building her practice as an intern in the College’s program.

Because the structure of the College’s internship allowed her to see patients in her own community, Sumita flowed gracefully from internship into private practice. Over the last 23 years, she has adapted to the changing realities of our times that have included The Great Recession of 2008, the pandemic of 2020-2022, and of course the technological and cultural transformation toward developing an online persona and providing online services. Still, her purpose /dharma has not changed. Sumita says “My purpose is to inspire, educate, and counsel people on how to live their best lives and to do so with intention”.

Today Sumita practices Clinical Ayurveda part-time, about 15 hours per week.

She incorporates Marma Therapies, Yoga Nidra sessions, Ayurvedic Massage, Shirodhara, and Svedana into her practice. She was trained in and certified to provide these therapies at CCA. In addition, Sumita is a Yoga Teacher in the Sivananda tradition and received post-graduate training at Stanford University where she completed a fellowship in Community Health. In addition to her private clinical practice, Sumita works with neurodivergent teens in a private school for 20 hours per week.

Sumita’s Journey Toward Professional and Financial Success

Sumita has been professionally and financially successful. Married, with three children, and living in Palo Alto, California, Sumita has earned an income that has significantly contributed to the support of her family. 

In 2002 when she began her practice, fees were quite different. Back then she charged only $90.00 for an initial visit and $60.00 for a follow-up visit in the Sacramento area. After taking a break from practice to travel and live in India for two years, she returned to the Greater Boston Area and practiced for 4 years till 2012.  During that time, she was caring for a newborn and her young children. In 2012, she and her family moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. During the pandemic, she moved her practice online and was seeing about 6 patient visits per week while caring for her family.  Because of her very busy life schedule, Sumita decided to create a more exclusive practice gradually increasing her fees and charging patients $540.00 for an initial visit and $180.00 for follow-up visits. These fees continue today for private consultations. However, Sumita was not done creating.

In 2021, during the pandemic, Sumita launched an online platform where she began offering personal well-being plans that included four seasonal visits per year. The fee for her online service started at $720.00 for the year and is now $1200.00 per year. She has about a dozen participants in this program which supplements her in-person practice income.

All in all, Sumita earns about $75,000 per year from her clinical work while working part-time, 15 hours per week, and she only works for 8 months per year. She earns additional income from working with neurodivergent teens 20 hours per week. Sumita’s family lives comfortably on the income she and her husband earn while living in one of the most affluent communities in California. 


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