Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief and Joint Health



Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, more prevalent in elderly people causing degenerative changes. The disease is characterised by gradual disintegration of articular cartilage, along with new bone proliferation and remodeling of the joint contour. It involves certain small and large joints of the body. The major large joints affected are the knee and the hips. 

Osteoarthritis is classified into two groups, primary and secondary. Primary is more common in postmenopausal women,with localised or generalised involvement of joints and formation of heberden’s nodes. Secondary osteoarthritis has a particular cause like injury, obesity, paget’s disease etc.Genetic factor is important in OA,as it is more common in women. Heritability of OA ranges between 30 to 60%

       The major signs and symptoms are,

  • Pain and functional restriction of involved joints 
  • Stiffness of joints 
  • Grating sensation
  • swelling
  • Pain worsens by movement and relieved by rest 
  • Morning stiffness which lasts for almost 30 minutes On examination,
  • Restricted movements of joints 
  • Palpable Crepitus 
  • Bony swellings and deformity around the joints 
  • Tenderness 
  • Mild synovitis

In Ayurveda osteoarthritis can be correlated to sandhigatavata. In which the vitiated vata afflicts the joints and causes the destruction. The Ayurvedic management prevents the further deterioration of the joints and also helps to rejuvenate the damaged cartilages. In the Ayurveda treatment vatavyadi is mentioned as repeated snehana, swedana, basti and mruduvirrechanam. Along with other external therapies like abhyangam, lepam, choorna pinda swedam, pathra pinda swedam,upanaham, bandhanam etc. The osteoarthritis treatment will be fixed only after examining the signs and symptoms of the patient,by the physician.

SNEHANAM: There are two types of snehana procedure, abhyantara and bahya snehanam(internal and external snehanam). Abhyantara snehana involves the intake of unctuous substances as pana,bhojana or basti. External procedures involve abhyangam (oil massage), mardhanam etc.

SWEDANAM: it is the sudation therapy in which by using herbal steam sweating is induced. By which it helps to relieve the stiffness and toxins from the body

VIRECHANAM: medicated purgation technique, in which the vitiated doshas are eliminated through the lower orifice, which helps to balance the doshas and improves pain and stiffness of the joints.

BASTI: Medicated enema procedure, which is considered as the “ardha chikitsa” and “sarvakari” in Ayurveda. It is the best treatment to balance vata dosha in the body, in a way it helps to reduce the pain. 

Along with the treatment of dietary modifications, lifestyle changes will help to manage the symptoms of arthritis. Inactivity due to the pain will lead to the reduction of muscle strength and also increases the chances of obesity. Personalized yoga   can be opted according to the age and functional ability of the affected person.

Also, taking Ayurveda medicines by consulting a qualified practitioner will help to reduce the pain and improve the health of joints, bones and muscles.

In conclusion, Ayurveda offers a holistic and natural approach to managing osteoarthritis by focusing on balancing the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic treatment, including personalized dietary changes, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments, aim to reduce inflammation, strengthen joints, and enhance mobility. By incorporating daily practices like yoga, pranayama, and mindful eating, individuals can experience significant relief from pain and stiffness. With proper guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, osteoarthritis can be managed effectively, allowing patients to live a more active and pain-free life. Embracing Ayurveda’s wisdom empowers individuals to not only manage osteoarthritis but also to improve their overall health and well-being.

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