10 reasons why they could have blood in the urine



Seeing blood in her urine can be alarming, but it could happen for many reasons. It can occur for your menstrual period, infection, problems with your kidneys or cancer.

You know what it could mean if you have blood in your urine when you are a woman or a person who had a female task at birth (AFB, for your acronym in English) and what you should do if this happens.

The word hematuria is a medical concept for blood in the urine. Sometimes you can see blood in your urine and you can look red, pink or coffee. But sometimes you can’t see it in the blood and can only be detected with a microscope or in a urine sample. This is called microscopic hematuria. Macroscopic hematuria is when you can actually see blood in the urine.

The fact that blood is in the urine does not always mean that something is wrong, if sometimes. It is important that you notify your medical provider (HCP) to determine the reason.

Here you will find the 10 reasons why you could have blood in the urine:

1. Do you have your menstrual period

Blood during your menstrual period leaves your body through the vagina, so it is common to see blood when you use the bathroom, and that’s not a reason for the alarm. However, your medical provider should evaluate hematurats that occur if you do not have your menstrual period or if you have already stopped having menstrual times.

2. infection

Blood in your urine can be a sign that you have a bladder infection that is also referred to as urinary infection (IU) or kidney infection. These infections usually also cause other symptoms, such as: B. a frequent or urgent need to urinate pelvic pain or the soil of the foggy and smelling back and urine. Kidney infections can also cause fever, chills and back pain in the lateral parts of the body or in the crotch.

3. Urinary calculations

Kidney, vesical or ureter calculations consist of hard sediments or substance crystals in their urinary tract. In addition to blood in her urine, urine calculations can cause ugly odorary, as well as intensive pain in her back or in the lateral parts of the body, vomiting and fever. Most urine calculations leave the body on its own, but could be very painful, especially when it is great.

4. Kidney problems

Her kidneys filter waste and liquids of your blood and produce urine. If the kidneys suffer injuries, they could have the blood filtered in the urine. A kidney disease called glomerulonephritis can cause microscopic hematuria. The only way to know whether you have blood you cannot see in your urine is to submit to a urine test that is carried out by your medical provider. If you have symptoms of glomerulonephritis such as swelling of your hands, face or feet or a reduction in the urine, talk to your medical provider about the urine test.

You could also have blood in the urine if you violate a kidney, e.g. B. an accident or contact sport.

5. Cancer

Seeing blood in your urine can be a sign of certain types of cancer, such as kidney or bladder cancer. Blood in the urine is often the first sign of bladder cancer and traces can be discovered during a urine test. You can also see blood in your pink or orange urine.

6. Prostate problems

If you are a transsexual woman or if you had male task at your birth (amab), blood could be a sign of a prostate problem in your urine. A prostate infection and an enlarged prostate can also cause blood in the urine.

7. Endometriosis

When there is endometriosis, the tissue usually adapts the uterus where places that shouldn’t do. In some cases, endometrium fabric can develop in veil, kidneys or ureter. This can cause blood in urine together with other symptoms such as painful menstrual times, pain during sexual intercourse and infertility.

8. Hereditary diseases

Hematuria can be a symptom for drapanocytic anemia or alport syndrome, both hereditary diseases. If you know that you have one of these disorders, you should make a blood group evaluation in your urine to exclude other reasons.

9. Intensive exercise

Sometimes intensive movement, contact sports and long distances in the urine can be connected. With regard to contact sports, this can be related to bladder lesions or kidneys to maintain strokes. But when it comes to intensive training or long -distance sports, it is not clear why bleeding occurs. Hematuria in connection with movement usually disappears alone in about seven days. However, if you notice blood in your urine after training, it is also comfortable to keep advice with your medical provider.

10. Use of medication

Certain types of medication, such as penicillin, an antiqueáncer drug, the cyclophosphamide called cyclophosphamide and medication that prevent blood clots or make blood less thick, can cause blood in your urine. Hematuria caused by the use of medication usually disappears as soon as you have taken the medication that it caused. However, you should notify your medical provider so that he can determine the bloodstore in your urine.

What are the risk factors for hematuria?

The factors that can increase their risk of hemature include:

  • Smoking or having done beforehand
  • Have more than 60 years
  • Have glomerulonephritis
  • A recently carried out bacterial or viral infection
  • Take certain medication such as anticoagulants, aspirines or antibiotics
  • Exposure to chemicals or dyes such as benzene or aromatic amines for their work
  • Long routes such as marathons or take part in intensive exercises or sports

How is hematuria?


The blood treatment in her urine depends on the cause. It is therefore important to warn your medical provider when you have symptoms. Sometimes no treatment is required.

If you have an IU or kidney infection, you can give you antibiotics to treat the infection together with analgesics. Other drugs were prescribed to treat the underlying cause.

Cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, surgery or a combination of these treatments.

You could have medical treatments that are useful to break down vesic or kidney calculations that are called lithotric or may be operated on.

What to do if you have blood in the urine?

If you have blood in the urine and do not have your menstrual period, it is important that you visit your medical provider. I could carry out a physical test and ask you questions about your medical and family history. You will wonder if you have other symptoms, how difficult to urinate, back pain, nausea, vomiting or fever.

Your medical supplier could request a urine test so that tests can be carried out to determine whether you have blood in your urine, especially blood that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Urint tests can also be useful to diagnose bladder infection or kidney stones.

Other tests can be useful for their medical provider to make a diagnosis. In addition to checking your urine, your medical provider can request additional tests, e.g. B.:

  • A cystoscopy A procedure in which a probe with a connected chamber (called cystoscop) is used to see the inner part of its urethra, the route that transports the urine of the bladder outside the body, and its bladder to recognize infections or cancer.
  • Image tests: Ultrasound, TC and RM could be used to examine organs and urine systems to determine the cause of bleeding.

Regardless of the matter, your medical provider could recommend monitoring consultations to ensure that the treatment works and that you no longer have blood in the urine.

Some causes of hematuria are more serious than others. So always warn your medical provider when you see blood in your urine. And reports all other symptoms that you have so that you can get a precise diagnosis and treatment immediately.

This educational resource was created with the support of Daiichi Sankyo and Merck.

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