ingredients, Method of Preparation, Benefits


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Rasna Amritadi Basti

Reference – The reference of this decoction enema is from Charaka Samhita – Siddhi Sthana, Chapter 3, verse 61-64
Name analysis & mode of action – Rasna and Amrita are the first two ingredients mentioned in this enema recipe. The enema is named after these ingredients. They may also be considered as the chief ingredients.
Rasna = Pluchea lanceolata
Amrita = Tinospora cordifolia
Adi = others
Rasna Amritadi Basti = Enema liquid prepared with Rasna, Eranda and other herbs.
Action – This enema cures a wide array of disorders including krimi – worms, kushta – skin disorders, prameha etc. It is also the best enema to alleviate vata, stimulate agni and promote strength.
Type of Vasti – Rasna Amritadi Vasti is a type of Niruha or Ashtapana Basti in which the decoction of Rasna, Amrita and other ingredients is administered as enema.

Rasna Amritadi Asthapana / Niruha Vasti (Basti)

Ingredients –

a. For preparation of Kashaya / Kwatha – decoction

Decoction of the below mentioned herbs taken in equal quantity should be prepared –

  • Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata
  • Amrta – Tinospora cordifolia
  • Eranda – Ricinus communis
  • Vidanga – Embelia ribes
  • Daruharidra – Berberis aristata
  • Saptachchada – Alstonia scholaris
  • Usira – Vetiveria zizanioides
  • Surahva – Cedrus deodara
  • Nimba – Azadirachta indica, Neem
  • Sampaka – Cassia fistula
  • Bhunimba – Andrographis paniculata
  • Patola – Trichosanthes dioica
  • Patha – Cissampelos pareira
  • Tikta – Swertia chirayata
  • Akhuparni – Ipomea reniformis
  • Bilva – Aegle marmelos
  • Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
  • Gambhari – Gmelina arborea
  • Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
  • Ganikarnika – Clerodendron phlomidis
  • Salaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
  • Prsniparni – Uraria picta
  • Brhati – Solanum indicum
  • Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
  • Gokshura – Tribullus terrestris
  • Musta – Cyperus rotundus
  • Trayantika – Gentiana kurroo
  • Shigru – Moringa oliefera, Drumstick
  • Haritaki – Terminalia chebula
  • Bibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica
  • Amalaki – Emblica officinalis

Decoction of Pinnditaka – Madanaphala – should be added to the above said Kashaya. This is a strange explanation of Acharya Charaka which puts us in a state of confusion. He has mentioned the word Kwatha at the end of phala trika. So, it is clear that the decoction should be prepared with herbs starting with Rasna and ending with Triphala. Immediately he mentions Sa Pinditaka Toya. Toya here means decoction of Pinditaka. My hypothesis includes doing it in one of the below mentioned ways –

  • Hypothesis 1 – Decoction of Rasna Amrta etc herbs should be prepared. Decoction of Pinditaka should be prepared separately. The quantity of Pinditaka taken for preparing the Kashaya should be equal to the sum of all ingredients taken to prepare the decoction of Rasna, Amrta etc herbs. The quantity of both Kashayas should be equal in quantity because Pinditaka Kashaya has been specifically mentioned, so its importance should be immense in the formulation / recipe.
  • Hypothesis 2 – The quantity of Pinditaka taken to prepare the Kashaya should be equal to the quantity of any one ingredient among the Rasna, Amrta etc herbs. The Kashaya is prepared separately because of retaining its special properties. So, it is not boiled with other herbs, rather prepared separately.

Should Pinditaka Kashaya be considered along with Gomutra, as Avapa?
Since it is a Kashaya, I guess that it should be added with Kashaya of Rasna, Amrita etc.

Should Gomutra be added directly with Kashaya?
As per explanation of Acharya Charaka, it comes in continuation with Kashaya and Pinditaka Kashaya. Following the sutra, it should be added there itself. But I would like to keep it as Avapa in my explanation since no other Avapa has been mentioned.

b. For preparation of Kalka – paste

  • Madhuyashti – Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Krsna – Pippali
  • Phalini – Callicarpa macrophylla
  • Satahva – Anethum graveolens
  • Rasanjana – extract of Berberis aristata
  • Sveta Vaca – Acorus calamus
  • Vidanga – Embelia ribes
  • Kalinga – Hollarhena antidysenterica
  • Patha – Cissampelos pareira
  • Ambuda – Musta – Cyperus rotundus
    c. For Sneha
    Both Ghee and Oil have been taken as Sneha in this formulation. The quantity of both should be the same.
    d. Saindhava Lavana – Rock Salt should be taken as per classical mention.
    e. Madhu – Honey too should be taken according to the standard dose mentioned in the texts.
    f. For Avapa
    Gomutra – urine of cows has been mentioned immediately after Pinditaka Toya. We may consider adding Gomutra to the Kashaya of Rasna, Amrta etc and that of Pinditaka. But I would wish to consider it as Avapa, to be added at the end of the preparation. The dose should be in accordance with the mention in the texts.

Method of preparation of Rasna Amritadi Vasti

a. Saindhava Lavana = 1 karsha = 12 grams approximately
b. Makshika – honey = 2 Prasrta = 192 grams
c. Sneha – sarpi and taila together = 3 prasrta = 288 grams (1 and half prasrta each)
d. Kalka – paste of Madhuyashti etc herbs (mentioned above) – 1 prasrta = 96 grams
e. Kashaya – Rasna-Amritadi Kashaya + Pinditaka Kashaya (Toya) = 4 prasrta = 384 grams
f. Avapa = Gomutra = 2 Prsrta = 192 grams

The above said ingredients (a to f) should be thoroughly mixed in the given order in such a way that the final recipe is a homogeneous mixture. Now, it will be ready to be administered.

As all Kashaya / Niruha Vastis, even this Vasti too should be administered on an empty stomach.

Does – The standard dose of this Vasti is 12 Prasrta = 1152 grams approximately. The dose can be variable depending on the gut capacity of individuals. The physician can think about customization and administer a lesser quantity.

Benefits of Rasna-Ammritadi Niruha Vasti

Rasna Amrtadi Vasti is said to bestow the below mentioned benefits –

It cures

  • Krimi – intestinal parasites
  • Kushta – skin diseases of various kinds
  • Meha – diabetes, obstinate urinary disorders
  • Bradhna – inguinal swelling, inguinal hernia
  • Udara – abdominal disorders / enlargements, including ascites
  • Ajirna – indigestion
  • Kaphaja Roga – diseases caused by predominant aggravation of kapha

If the patients who are suffering from the above said diseases are emaciated due to vata aggravation caused due to use of non-unctuous medicines, Rasna-Amritadi Vasti, if administered would alleviate Vata. It would also stimulate Agni – digestion power and metabolism, cure these diseases and would also provide strength to the patient.

Action on Doshas

As mentioned in the description of the benefits of the above explained Vasti, this enema mainly acts on Kapha. This is one of the best enema recipes to combat aggravated kapha and also to cure kapha disorders mentioned above. Though krimi, kushta, meha, udara and ajirna have been generally mentioned, this recipe should be considered to be predominantly effective in combating the kaphaja variety of these disorders.
The recipe is also praised for combating vata aggravation in people suffering from the above said diseases.
This recipe is said to be the best one to cure emaciation caused as an effect of dry medicine over-usage in kaphaja disorders mentioned above and also to provide good strength. So, in spite of being a good recipe for all the tissues, mainly the tissues belonging to kapha varga (tissues in which kapha is predominantly located) i.e. rasa, mamsa, meda, majja and shukra, it can be considered as the best medicine for mamsa dhatu i.e. muscle tissue. It would also help in recovery of tissues which are lost or deteriorated in the process of the above said diseases.

Probable mode of action

The combination of herbs in Rasna Amritadi Vasti are designed to combat Kapha to a great extent and Vata to a certain extent. So, this recipe is predominantly a ‘Kapha-Vata hara Vasti’.
This enema thus helps in curing many kapha disorders which includes diseases caused due to low metabolism / manda agni. So, Rasna Amritadi Vasti is the best remedy for metabolic disorders like Prameha, Kushta, Udara etc.
Kapha diseases are generally caused due to Ati-santarpana i.e. over nutrition and metabolic non-conversion of what one eats, due to sluggish agni. This Vasti acts by dual mechanism, it corrects and kindles the weak agni on one hand and then depletes morbid kapha on the other side. This would destroy the excessive metabolic wastes accumulated in the body due to over satiety and over-nutrition and also excessive kleda – watery components accumulated in the tissues. So, this is an ideal enema for diseases caused by low metabolism and should be chosen to improve metabolism in people suffering from chronic ailments, mainly of kapha origin. Since the recipe has a good quantity of gomutra, it helps in destroying morbid kapha.
Kapha increase in the body would provide a suitable climate for the krimis to develop. If kapha is destroyed, the krimis are also destroyed. This enema has a good role in destroying the krimis, mainly those caused by kapha increase and those which inhabit the stomach. So, this enema may be a useful remedy for chronic stomach and gut infections and diseases caused due to them.
Rasna Ammritadi Vasti is a good remedy for skin diseases, mainly kapha predominant skin disorders which have become chronic and stubborn, and not readily responding to vamana or virechana therapies or when the skin immunity has been compromised. Skin conditions caused by krimi and infection can also be considered. People of prameha will have chronic skin issues not responding to many treatments, including carbuncles. This enema can be considered to be a gamechanger in these conditions.
Prameha, immaterial of the type, is caused by predominant aggravation of kapha. Chronic cases of diabetes and urinary disorders, which fall into the category of prameha, especially not responding to conventional treatments and medicines, associated with complications and muscle loss or emaciated / thin diabetics are ideal conditions for administration of this enema recipe. This enema also effectively cleanses the bladder.
Having a role in combating increased vata, this enema recipe can be a good choice in neurological or neuro-muscular symptoms manifesting in kaphaja or metabolic disorders.

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