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This month also begins Eclipse Season, and the first one of the year will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14. This Eclipse is a full circle moment and will be a time of clearing the air, getting organized, making space, and finding the gifts within the changes you are moving through right now. Lunar Eclipses are a time to allow things to settle in rather than make any drastic moves, and being in Virgo, a lot of this has to do with the healing needed to get things back in order. This Eclipse opposes the Sun currently in Pisces, and there is beauty in the culmination.
March 2025 Astrology: Retrograde Season, Eclipses & Major Shifts
Mercury goes retrograde in Aries from March 15 to March 29 and then will be retrograde in Pisces from March 29 to April 7. This is the first Mercury retrograde of the year, and in Aries, brings a dynamic and passionate energy. This is not the best month to take any unnecessary risks, and playing it safe may turn out to be for the best right now. Mercury retrograde in Aries can cause clashes, power struggles, and a need for greater independence and freedom.
Don’t rush what you are trying to communicate or get across right now, and know that patience will lead you to better places than mental overexertion will.
Aries Season begins on March 20, and this is going to help pick up the pace and create more opportunities after the setbacks that may have prevailed this month. On March 29, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries happens, creating a breakthrough from what you have been initiating and taking action on since April 2023. This is a powerful Eclipse and is bringing forth the manifestations from all the work you have done. Before the month ends, Neptune enters Aries, where this dreamy planet will remain until 2039.
Neptune in Aries drives us to pursue our creative and spiritual pursuits and gives us the boost of energy needed to see our dreams and inspirations through. Overall, through the changes and detours happening in March, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and a new journey awaiting you.
Read for your Sun and Rising Sign below to see what March has in store for you.
What Does March 2025 Have in Store for Your Zodiac Sign?
AriesKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is one of the most if not the most important months for you, Aries. All eyes are on you, and most of the energy of March is in your sign. This begins with Venus going retrograde in Aries on March 1 until March 27. While Venus is retrograde in your sign, you are learning how to love yourself radically, and what that may mean for your relationships moving forward. Mercury also goes retrograde in your sign this month and will be guiding you toward inner clarity. Be careful with miscommunications in March, and focus on communicating your vision with strength.
Aries Season officially begins on March 20, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. You are ready for a new beginning and are embarking on it now. On March 29, there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign, and you are ready to embrace the beauty in your life and will be moving through a lot of fortunate changes during this time. Neptune then enters your sign on March 30 and will be in Aries until 2039, and you are moving into a creative, inspiring, and magical time.
TaurusKyra Jay for xoNecole
Take things one day at a time this month, Taurus. Your ruling planet Venus is retrograde for the entire month, and you need some time to process things right now. The focus is on your healing, your truth, and your patience, and emotionally you are moving through a time of growth. With Mercury also retrograde and in your 12th house of closure, the past may be coming up for you a lot this month but remember that this is for your healing and not for you to repeat old patterns or mistakes.
On March 14, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be held in fellow earth sign, Virgo, and this is an opportunity for closure and to grow closer to your heart. You are letting go of how you thought things would be, and owning what you are creating in your life now. Overall, this month is about not letting yourself overthink things that are still coming to fruition for you, and being patient with it all. Venus will be retrograde until April 12; use this time to get to know yourself better.
GeminiKyra Jay for xoNecole
Everything’s coming together for you this month, Gemini. You are looking at the full picture and accomplishing what you have set out to do this year. With Venus and Mercury both retrograde in an area of your life having to do with friendships, community, aspirations, and social life; this isn’t the best time for meeting new people, but it is a time for understanding the social dynamics in your life better, and for creating greater harmony and connection here.
On March 14, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, and you are ready to let go of foundations that haven’t been serving you. You are no longer building things that don’t sustain and you are thinking a lot about the long-term of your life and creating plans in this way. Overall, March is about seeing things with new eyes, and trusting that you have done everything you needed to do to be where you want to be.
CancerKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is a month of progress, Cancer. You are moving at full speed ahead and going after the things you have wanted for yourself. Life is happening for you right now, and you are excited about the opportunities that present themselves this month. Remember to keep two feet planted and ground yourself in the present moment, but know that things are really picking up for you in March.
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is happening in your 3rd house of communication mid-month, and this is helping you let go of any miscommunications that have been flowing in your world. You are looking at things a lot differently this month and this new perspective is helping you let go of a version of yourself you don’t resonate with anymore. Before the month ends, Venus retrograde enters Pisces, and this impacts your sense of adventure. Be careful with unnecessary risks over the next few weeks, and try to look at the bigger picture right now.
LeoKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is a month of letting things come to fruition and moving through life knowing that they will, Leo. While we are in the midst of Retrograde Season, there is a lot for you to process right now, especially regarding your plans for the future, your perspective, mind, and belief systems. You are asking yourself all the important questions this month, but it’s important to give yourself grace and compassion within this process.
The more you focus on nurturing your world instead of forcing things to unfold, the better this month. The Sun is in your 8th house of rebirth for most of March, and there are a lot of changes happening in your life right now. Own how these things play out for you. At the end of the month, there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in your 2nd house of abundance, and your intentions are manifesting in your life. You are leaving the month seeing the gifts of your patience and walking with your head held high.
VirgoKyra Jay for xoNecole
In March you are taking some time for yourself, Virgo. You have been through a lot as of late, and you need some space to process everything that has occurred. You are walking away from the things that no longer resonate, and are leading with your heart and with self-love right now. Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde this month from March 14 through April 7, and this is a good time to get clear on health matters and to see where things can use some reworking or replanning. Taking care of yourself can look many different ways this month, just make sure you are doing so.
On March 14, the first Eclipse of the year happens, and this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be in your sign, Virgo. You are moving through massive changes this month, and the key here is in letting go. Don’t hold onto things too tightly when they are falling away from your life, and trust that where you are going right now is better than where you have been. Overall, this month is about empowering yourself toward change.
LibraKyra Jay for xoNecole
This is a month of collaboration, dedication, and effort, Libra. You are taking care of your priorities and crossing off the to-do list this month, and a lot is going on for you. With the Sun in your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines, this is a time for seeing the results of your efforts and for feeling more energetic and alive in the workplace and within the actions you are taking right now. However, with Venus and Mercury both retrograde and in your opposite sign this month, love is on the back burner as you figure out what your heart needs.
On March 29, one of the most important New Moons of the year for you occurs and this is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. This New Moon is when you finally get some closure and some answers you have been looking for in love over the past few years, and when you feel more in tune with your partnerships. Things are changing for you as the month ends, and they are moving in a better direction for you and your heart.
ScorpioKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is about doing what is best for you and your health, rather than entertaining negative patterning or people, Scorpio. The gift this month is in letting go and not allowing yourself to get overly attached to things that haven’t been serving you. With Venus retrograde in your 6th house of health and daily routine this month, it’s important to take matters here a little more seriously and to put your peace and well-being first.
The first Lunar Eclipse of the year happens on March 14, and this highlights your friendships, hopes and dreams, and sense of community. The people you associate with or surround yourself with are changing for you right now, and this begins a journey of letting go that will be with you until 2027. You are recognizing what is authentic to you and your dreams, and what has been holding you back from obtaining that. Overall, you are moving through the month asking yourself the important questions and making the necessary moves to protect your peace.
SagittariusKyra Jay for xoNecole
Perspective is everything this month, and it’s important to go at your own pace, Sagittarius. Everything is coming into full focus for you and this is changing the way you look at some of the experiences you have been through. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde in your 5th house of romance, happiness, and self-expression, and you may be feeling like you need to relight the spark in your life. Look for the experiences that make you feel grounded, authentic, safe, and joyful, and spend more time there.
Juno goes retrograde in your sign from March 19 until April 15, and you are doing a lot of reassessing when it comes to your relationships right now. Ask yourself what a soulmate or a soul connection looks like for you at this time in your life. How can you authentically show up in your relationships or experiences right now, to attract these types of authentic connections? Before the month ends there is a Solar Eclipse in Aries, creating a breakthrough for you in love and a chance for a new beginning.
CapricornKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is a fun month for you, Capricorn. Celebrations are in store and you are really leaning upon the people who make you happy. With the Sun in your 3rd house of communication for most of the month, you are having a lot of good conversations, meeting new people, and enjoying the life you have created for yourself. Even with the retrogrades happening this month you are overcoming as you always do, and having more fun than usual at the same time.
A Lunar Eclipse in Virgo happens on March 14, and this is wrapping up an adventure you have been on and fueling your quest for knowledge. You are mentally seeing things with a new perspective right now, and this is an inspiring and hopeful one. On March 27, Venus goes retrograde, and you are leaving the month needing more downtime from your social calendar and will be taking the time to relax your mind and create some space. Remember that you are loved, Capricorn.
AquariusKyra Jay for xoNecole
March is a new beginning for you and your financial world, Aquarius. You are taking on new opportunities, and developing professionally, and some Aquariuses may begin a new career venture this month as well. All the intentions you have been setting and the efforts you have made are showing fruition for you now, and with the Sun in your 2nd house of income for most of the month, you are feeling a sense of abundance in your life that is lighting up your world. There is a lot to look forward to, and you deserve these wins.
With Mercury and Venus both retrograde in your 3rd house of communication this month, however, be careful with acting on impulse or creating confusion in communication matters by not leading with transparency. Before the month ends there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse, and this will be a breakthrough for you in clearing up any chaos and creating more order and understanding in your life and interactions. Overall, March is your month of opening new doors and owning the abundance you are finding yourself in.
PiscesKyra Jay for xoNecole
March moves fast for you, Pisces. You have a lot going on, but you are appreciating this pickup in pace. Your guidance for the month is to focus on your new beginnings, the present moment, and the good that is unfolding for you. This is Pisces Season and you deserve to enjoy where life is and everything you have become in the process. The light is shining on you, and there is a lot of support moving you forward in March. The Lunar Eclipse happening on March 14 is in your sister sign, Virgo, and the clarity you have been needing in love is blooming for you mid-month.
Venus and Mercury are both retrograde this month, and they move into your sign to finish their retrograde transit. Venus will be retrograde in Pisces from March 27 to April 12 and Mercury from March 29 to April 7. Leaving the month, you could feel a bit off and like you don’t know where you want to go from here. Know that these challenges are arising for you to get clearer on who you are and the things you want for yourself, and in mid-April, you are going to have an inner clarity and confidence bloom that will be worth the confusion.
Featured image by Kyra Jay for xoNecole