12 Mid-Year Journal Prompts – Kayla in the City
In the words of Bon Jovi “Woahhh, we’re half way there” and by half-way there, I mean halfway through 2023! I like to use this midway point as a time to check-in on my previous goals and do a bit of reflecting on the year so far.
Take a few minutes to reflect and answer these journal prompts
Mid-Year Check-in Journaling Prompts:
- In one word: Sum up my 2023 so far
- What’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned so far this year?
- What’s mt proudest moment of 2023?
- What’s working in my life?
- What’s not working in my life?
- What’s brought me joy this year?
- What’s the best thing I’ve done for my overall wellness so far this year?
- If you chose a word of the year: How have I been embodying my word of the year?
- Am I on track with the goals or intentions I set at the beginning of the year?
- Are there new goals I’d like to set for the second half of the year?
- What am I LOVING right now (Music, books, TV shows, hobbies, clothes, really anything!)
- What do I wish I could tell my January self?