Women Share Surprising Skin and Hair Changes During Pregnancy


The surge of extra estrogen during pregnancy can cause the skin and hair to change dramatically. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there’s also a 45 percent increase in blood volume. For many, these temporary shifts are to credit for glowing skin and shiny hair, but that’s not the case for everyone. Here, 25 women share the most surprising thing that happened to their skin and/or hair during pregnancy. And if you’re expecting and you can relate, hopefully this makes you feel less alone.

Things That Can Happen to Your Skin During Pregnancy

“I had painful cystic acne in the beginning of both my pregnancies. That’s how I knew I was pregnant both times! Then my skin was pretty dry the rest of the time and I had to douse my face in really rich cream moisturizers. Also, my lips were super full during both pregnancies, which I did not hate.” —Jules H.

“My skin was fantastic during pregnancy! For the first time ever, I didn’t get a single pimple for nine months.” —Lindsey F.

“I had so many new moles and freckles appear, and my existing ones changed. That was bizarre to me. After having my daughter, I actually had to have two removed by a plastic surgeon because they thought it could lead to melanoma! Both appeared during pregnancy and were not places where they could have come from the sun.” —Emily E.

My skin got extremely dry and flaky during pregnancy.” —Katy E.

“I grew skin tags! They were everywhere. Then they all magically disappeared after giving birth.” —Corinne P.

“I got some form of rosacea on my cheeks, and it still hasn’t really gone away a couple years later. I use vitamin E every night after washing my face. It will get worse and get better but it never really goes away. I thought it would go away after giving birth, but just never did.” —Nora F.

Psoriasis on my eyelids! Never had it before in my life. My derm prescribed me steroid cream. Good thing it was my second pregnancy because I would’ve been a little freaked out to use it during my first. I didn’t realize psoriasis could be hormone-related.” —Jenny L.

“I got so much hyperpigmentation during pregnancy, and most of it was on my chest.” —Sherri C.

Broken blood vessels on my face and body—the worst! They were small, like a red dot of sorts on my cheek. The weirdest part is that they showed up in both my pregnancies in the same spot. But they fade when I’m not pregnant.” —Brittany L.

“I got awful acne during pregnancy and you’re so limited in what you can use and take. I also felt like my skin was extra dry.” —Alissa G.

“Skin tags everywhere! I went to a derm to snip off the most noticeable ones on my neck, but my body is probably speckled for life because there are so many! They didn’t go away after birth. They’re still hanging on for dear life!” —Parizaad K.

“My skin did not glow like everyone had said it would.” —Amanda M.

“One of the skin tags on my neck grew like crazy. I went to have it looked at because I freaked out. My derm said it was because of the pregnancy hormones. I didn’t do anything because she said not to. Then one day my necklace got stuck on it, and off it went!” —Liz N.

“My skin cleared up and was glowy for the first time in my life!” —Joelle P.

“Oddly enough, my skin is so dry. Like all over: chapped lips, dry hands. It’s so weird!” —Emily G.

“I got horrible acne! It was mostly in the first trimester and I started using azelaic acid prescribed by my derm.” —Sam D.

“I’ve suffered from cystic acne for most of my life, and all of it went away during my pregnancy! My nails and hair grew, too. My body loved being pregnant. Maybe I got super lucky with my baby girl, but I had the most smooth pregnancy!” —Amira G.

“I got skin tags and it was so disgusting. They were all over my under arms and breasts. It happened to my friend too.” —Elizabeth H.

Things That Can Happen to Your Hair During Pregnancy

“The hair on my head was thicker and fuller, but my eyebrows wouldn’t grow.” —Sam D.

“My hair didn’t grow as full and lush as I was expecting.” —Ashley D.

My hair got thicker and fuller during pregnancy. It also wasn’t as greasy. I don’t remember using dry shampoo much at all.” —Kathryn E.

“Not necessarily surprising, but my hair and skin were both truly at their peak: shiny hair and glowing skin! Also, my nails!” —Elizabeth B.

“In my second trimester, I feel like my hair has never been frizzier. Is that a thing? It’s definitely thicker, too.” —Christina M.

“My hair was amazing during pregnancy—I could go days without washing it. Now, it’s so greasy!” —Lindsey F.

“I second exactly what Lindsey F. says above! No joke, I think I went eight days without washing my hair while I was pregnant. My scalp never got irritated either, and I never needed dry shampoo. It was absolutely glorious! But a week or so after birth, it was a greasy mess—much greasier than before pregnancy—and my scalp still seems out of whack six months later, no matter how many soothing serums I try.” —Britt F. (me)

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