Wild Mystic Oracle Deck Review
Every month, Amazon, Etsy, crowd-funding platforms, and bookstores release numerous tarot and oracle decks. There are now thousands of decks available, ranging from new releases to out-of-print ones. Reviewing a deck helps readers decide whether to purchase it, focusing on factors like card quality, artwork, and guidebook usefulness. This month, I’ve chosen to critique the Wild Mystic Oracle.
The Cards
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From the Booklet’s Introduction
“Welcome to the Wild Mystic Oracle Card Deck. Throughout time, humanity has sought meaning and messages from the natural wisdom of the animal kingdom. Often this wisdom has been derived from observation and reverence. Around the world, stories have grown from these observances and made their way into mythology, folklore, and tradition. Animals have been used in medicine, ritual, and magick, bodily and spiritually. Their influence is felt even in the stars above as constellations.
This oracle deck holds a small selection of animals, and each card will mean different things to each and every one of you. I created this deck as an instrument for drawing upon your own intuition. Throughout the process of illustrating these art pieces and researching the wondrous creatures that they portray, I was often struck by how numerous, far-reaching, and varied the stories about these animals are. You may derive different meanings from a card than the ones described in this book, and that is okay. These cards are intended to be personal, and you may identify with creatures, words, and symbols differently.” (6)
About the Artist (from her website)
“Anastasia Catris is an illustrator who specializes in both the traditional and digital medium. Her personal work is inspired by Victorian aesthetics, hyper detail, horror and the occult. A highly adaptable commercial artist, her professional works range in style and scope depending on the needs of the client.
Anastasia Catris lives and works in Wales in the United Kingdom with her partner and their two goblin cats. She has been working as a freelance artist and writer since 2010 with published works including the best selling ‘Colour Me Mindful’ series, ‘I Heart Drag Queens’ and ‘Draw Your Way To A Younger Brain’.”
Card Stock and Shuffling
The card stock is thick and high quality, with a gloss finish and rounded corners. They are easy to shuffle because they are slightly smaller than standard tarot cards. If you have small hands, you will be able to riffle shuffle them without any problem. The cards do stick together when first removed from the box, but continued shuffling solves this issue.
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Artwork and the Visual Accessibility of the Wild Mystic Oracle
The artwork for this deck is excellent. Cartis produced beautiful stylized representations of each animal for each card. You can feel the power of the designs. And, she wisely incorporated key symbols for certain animals, like the Aries icon for the Ram. She also connects the phases of the Moon to the Crab, which is the animal for Cancer. There is also powerful symmetry with the designs facing forward to the viewer. Consequently, it feels like the energy of the cards flows directly into you.
Badger – Reveal
The Badger’s message, Reveal, urges you to step forward and share your truth with confidence. This is a time to bring hidden aspects of yourself into the light—whether talents, emotions, or long-held dreams. Badger energy is fierce and determined, guiding you to trust in your authenticity without fear of judgment. However, in its shadow, this card warns against being overly defensive or forcing revelations before they are ready. Pushing too hard can lead to resistance, both within yourself and from others. Honor your timing, but do not let fear keep you from embracing your full expression.
Bat – Communicate
The Bat’s message, Communicate, encourages you to trust your intuition and express yourself clearly. Like the bat’s echolocation, your words and actions send out signals—be mindful of what you project. Now is the time for honest conversations, deep listening, and uncovering hidden truths. In its shadow, this card warns against misinterpretation or avoiding necessary dialogue. Do not let fear silence you; embrace open, meaningful communication to strengthen your connections and personal growth.
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Butterfly – Transform
The Butterfly’s message, Transform, signals a period of profound change and renewal. Like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, you are shedding old layers and stepping into a new version of yourself. Embrace the process, even if it feels uncertain—growth requires trust. In its shadow, this card warns against resisting change or clinging to the past. Transformation is inevitable; surrender to it with grace, knowing that each phase brings you closer to your true self.
Explanation of the Cards
This deck comes with a very good, hardback booklet that provides two pages of explanation for each card. There is a positive, upright explanation, as well as a “Shadow Reading”. There are correspondences for Element, Flora, Stones, and Spellwork. In the case of the Badger card, the Element is Earth and the Flora are Primrose, Marjoram, and Daffodil. The stones include: Onyx, Chrysoprase, Pyrite, Kyanite, Obsidian, and Pietersite. For Spellwork: “Seeing through lies and manipulation, past life regression, divination, dealing with trauma, searching for lost things, and Samhain ritual.” The booklet also includes sections: About the Deck, Attuning to Your Deck, Keeping an Oracle Journal, Working with Your Deck, Divination, Shadow Reading, Performing a Reading, Meditation, and Spellwork.
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Usefulness of the Wild Mystic Oracle
This animal oracle deck stands out as one of the best, blending rich symbolism and intuitive guidance. Each card is a masterpiece of beautiful art, capturing the essence of animal spirits in vivid detail. The deck’s strength lies in its excellent research, drawing from deep cultural, spiritual, and behavioral insights to offer profound wisdom. It’s a powerful tool for both beginners and experienced seekers alike.
I give this deck a solid 5 out of 5 stars for both its content and design. The rich, detailed symbolism on each card magnificently captures the essence of the animals and their messages. The accompanying hardback book, with its gold filigree edging, enhances the experience with thoughtful insights and guidance for each card. The cards themselves are high-quality, printed on durable material that feels luxurious to the touch. The deck comes in a sturdy hard case, offering protection and making it ideal for storage and travel. It’s a true gem in every way.
Where to Buy the Wild Mystic Oracle
If you like the Wild Mystic Oracle and wish to purchase a copy, you can do so online.