Weekly Meal Plan – Plain Chicken
I live your site! My 8 year old daughter loves the baking. We want to ask a question. Is there, by chance, to show maybe once a month, a “Desserts Plan”. Showing cakes, jello desserts, brittles, cupcakes, cakes, or what ever the month, to have one week or the last week, of nothing but desserts. January- New Years desserts, February- chocolate, March- St Patty or green, April- Easter, May-Cinco De Mayo, Mothers Day, Memorial Day, June- Flag Day, Juneteenth, Father’s Day, July- 4th of July, August- Thank Goodness They are back at school!, September- Labor Day, October-Halloween, November-Dont Forget to Vote, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, December- Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and back at New Years Again! JUST ONCE A WEEK A MONTH!!! My daughter loves to see the cakes and cupcakes rise. Decorating is her favorite. Lol Just think about it.