Webinar Tonight! – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

There’s a New Moon this week, kicking off the 14-year cycle that began on April 20th. The Sun and Moon will meet on Tuesday night — see the chart below — at 18 degrees Taurus, where they’re closely conjunct the site of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, 21 degrees Taurus.

That means this week is a REMARKABLE time for setting your creative intentions for the next 14 years . . . especially in relation to the House in your natal chart where those parts of Taurus land. (If you don’t know how to determine this, you can find out in my webinar! Files available to purchase here.)

Saturn at 17 degrees Pisces in the New Moon chart forms a sextile to the Sun and Moon, and the three of them form a big Focused Finger of God with the South Node of Fate and Mercury and Chiron in Aries. Release painful stories about the past that are limiting your self-valuation in the present! If you’ve put in some time and learned the lesson . . . that’s great! You don’t have to carry it anymore!

Now that Pluto is retrograde (and moving slowly) he’s asking us to take another look at the “rules” as we’ve come to accept them since he entered Aquarius on January 20. Could you adopt a policy that is more truthful or more fair than the policy you’ve been working under? Emotional detachment and a global perspective help resolve apparent contradictions.

Meanwhile, Juno, Goddess of Partnership, is on a World Point and connected with Mercury as the handle of a Hammer of Thor. When I was a kid, my father had a farmer phase and he spent a few summers growing crops in our five-acre lot. Before spring planting, he’d go out with a manual rototiller, tearing up the grass and breaking the soil, getting it ready to receive the seeds.

To learn more about this week’s New Moon, its rototiller energy, and get some ideas for seeding the new dreams that your chart wants to grow, I invite you to check out my Taurus New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar.

Hope to see you there!

Big hugs,


P.S. In case you missed it, here’s the link to purchase the recordings and slides from the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction class.

The New Moon in Taurus
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 11:21 PM Eastern
Chart for Washington, DC

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