Vata Dosha and Motion – California College of Ayurveda


Vata Dosha and Motion

Vata dosha has many qualities. The quality that is arguably the most aggravating to vata dosha is motion. Motion is a function of the air element. Excess motion in a person’s life creates a disturbance of the motion in the body and mind resulting in an irregular heartbeat, neurological abnormalities, and thoughts that are difficult to control.

This is not to minimize the role of the ether element, which is also a part of vata dosha. Ether creates the space that air fills. This means that when ether (space) is increased, a disturbance in air follows. They go hand in hand, together.


To control vata dosha is to control motion. Hence, vata dosha is pacified by those things that create stability. Stability is created by slowing down and creating regular routines. Regular routines begin by eating and sleeping at the same times every day. Just this alone often reduces vata imbalances such as insomnia, worry, anxiety, irregular heartbeats, and severe pain in the body. Beyond that, it is helpful to control motion through yoga practices such as meditation as well as mindfulness. Speak slower, walk slower, act slower. Be more contemplative. This is not easy for a person with a vata dosha imbalance but it will yield the sweetest tasting fruit. Slowing down is also supported by a heavier, more nutritious diet and taking the time for a healthy daily routine (Dinacharya).


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