The Transformation of Consciousness in 2025 – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Note: This newsletter went out to my email subscribers last week! Sign up here for first access to classes, etc.

Dear friends,

I’ve emerged! I am up-and-about once more, after my recent journey through the underworld (91 days in a rehabilitation facility for my broken leg!) . . . and ready to talk 2025.

Though I missed the Gregorian version, I made it just in time for Lunar New Year, which began this morning: Wednesday, January 29th, with the New Moon at 9 degrees, 51 minutes Aquarius. The Wood Snake is here to teach us how to shed our old skins and step forward, fresh, with a new sense of purpose. We all get to dive into the underworld and return transformed.

Transformation is the word of the year for 2025. The digits add up to a Nine year in numerology, which is also tied to the idea of transformation. Old Karmic cycles are coming to a close and new ones emerging. If you haven’t done it already, expect to pay your debts — and look forward to others’ paying theirs.

To prepare you for what’s to come, I’m offering my first webinar since last October (!) on Friday, January 31st at 7:00 PM Eastern. This class is called Setting Your Intentions for 2025 + the Year of the Wood Snake. [Edited to add: Here’s the link to purchase the recordings and slides from the Friday night webinar.] It will include a discussion of the Lunar New Year chart, as well as a month-by-month outline of planetary activity for the year ahead.

That’s not all, though! The word “unprecedented” may be thrown around a bit too much, but this year is really something special. Within a period of 8 months (starting last November) we have five outer planets changing signs AND the Nodes of Fate resetting as they cross the World Points at 0 Aries and Libra. In my 30 years practicing astrology, I have never seen anything like this. 

The sign-shifters include not only Jupiter (who does it every year) but Saturn. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and the North and South Nodes as well. Transformation indeed!

The Nodes take 19 years to travel around the Zodiac, so when the North Node crossed the 0 Aries line on January 11th — and moved, retrograde of course, into the last degree of Pisces — every person’s (and business’s and nation’s and relationship’s) Draconic chart reset. The Draconic chart is calculated by rotating the planets in a natal chart, till the North Node gets to 0 Aries. This chart represents your Soul Purpose, the reason you chose to come into this life at this moment in history. Look for breadcrumbs everywhere this year.

Neptune enters Aries on March 30th, Saturn enters Aries on May 24th, Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th, and Uranus enters Gemini on July 7th, oh my! . . . while Pluto, remember, went into Aquarius just a few months ago on November 16th. There’s a radically different new chapter beginning in your life.

In light of all these cosmic shifts, I’m planning to teach a second New Year class that’s a little different from my usual “Setting Your Intentions” format. I’m calling this new webinar, which is scheduled for Sunday, February 2nd at 7:00 PM Eastern, The Wowza Year Ahead and Your Soul’s Evolution. [Edited to add: Here’s the link to purchase the recordings and slides from the Sunday night webinar.] During this webinar, we’ll discuss the new era that’s coming and how to plant strong seeds for these cycles that will run for the rest of your life, by analyzing your Draconic chart.

Please see below for details and registration to both classes!

I also plan to resume my usual monthly New Moon Manifestation Circle webinars on the Pisces New Moon next month, and to start up The Weekly Weather again too.

It is really SO nice to connect with you again! Makes this Virgo gal’s heart happy!

Big hugs,

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