The Astrology Of December 2023 – The Wind Of Change


In December 2023, we have a record number of planets changing direction: Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter go direct, and Mercury turns retrograde! 

December is that time of the year when we have the Capricorn solstice – the Sun is changing direction too.

December 2023 also features a beautiful Chirstmassy Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th sextile Jupiter and trine Saturn! This supportive Full Moon is really the feature of the month. 

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of December:

December 1st, 2023 – Mercury Enters Capricorn

On December 1st, 2023, Mercury enters Capricorn. After we’ve been philosophizing and coming up with all these ideas while Mercury was in Sagittarius, now it’s time to get real. What do we want to focus on? 

The energy shifts from exploration to strategic thinking. Mercury in Capricorn asks us to prioritize, organize, and come up with a practical plan of action. 

December 4th, 2023 – Venus Enters Scorpio 

On December 4th, 2023, Venus enters Scorpio and things get more intense out of a sudden. 

Venus starts off her journey in Scorpio with a trine to Saturn in Pisces and a sextile to Mercury in Capricorn. Later this month, things spice up a bit when Venus opposes Uranus, and it all culminates well with a sextile to Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler. 

Venus in Scorpio will bring a mix of depth, stability, unexpected twists, and transformative energies, encouraging us to explore the complexities of our relationships and values.

December 6th, 2023 – Neptune Goes Direct

On December 6th, 2023, Neptune goes Direct at 24° Pisces. There are several angles to interpret planetary changes in direction. 

First, when a planet changes direction, its energy is intensified. Everything becomes a little bit more Neptunian – this is a generic influence, we are all affected, regardless of our natal charts. 

Another angle of interpretation is more personal. Neptune governs a particular area of your life (represented by the house where you have Pisces on the cusp). 

When Neptune changes direction, the affairs of that particular house come into sharper focus. There is a shift. Something can get unstuck, or change its focus, offering an opportunity for greater clarity, understanding, or spiritual growth in the related areas of life.

December 12th, 2023 – New Moon In Sagittarius

On December 12th, 2023, we have a New Moon at 20° Sagittarius. The New Moon is conjunct to Mars, square Neptune and quincunx Uranus. 

The conjunction to Mars is encouraging us to pursue our goals with Sagittarius’ proverbial optimism and enthusiasm. However, the square to Neptune is asking us to be mindful of unrealistic expectations. 

The quincunx to Uranus adds an element of unpredictability; at the New Moon in Sagittarius. it’s crucial you keep your options open and don’t try to ‘force’ something into existence. 

December 13th, 2023 – Mercury Goes Retrograde

On December 13th, 2023, Mercury goes Retrograde at 8° Capricorn. On December 23rd, 2023 Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, and Mercury goes direct again on January 2nd, at 22° Sagittarius. 

Mercury retrograde is one of those ‘dreaded’ times of the year. We all have a Mercury retrograde story to tell (or 2, or more). But as you may have noticed, not all Mercury Retrogrades are the same. Some of them seem to influence us more intensely than others. 

What makes the difference? If you have a Gemini or Virgo ascendant, you are by default sensitive to Mercury retrogrades because Mercury is your chart ruler. Also, if you have planets or angles between 22° Sagittarius and 8° Capricorn, then this particular Mercury retrograde is going to be more significant. 

Then we also have the general flavor of Mercury retrograde. This particular Mercury retrograde will be squaring Neptune, adding an element of confusion and potential miscommunication to the mix.

It’s a time to be extra cautious with our communications, double-check details, and be mindful of the potential for misunderstandings. 

However, this alignment also comes with opportunities to refine our Sagittarian-Piscean goals and dreams. Maybe we’ve been dreaming too big. Maybe we’ve been dreaming too small. Maybe we’ve been misdirecting our energy to false goals and dreams. 

Time to reassess, realign, and focus on the aspirations that truly resonate with our authentic selves.

December 21st, 2023 – Sun Enters Capricorn

On December 21st, 2023, the Sun enters Capricorn.

Sun in Capricorn marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, a pivotal moment when the Sun changes direction and the day is at its shortest (or longest). 

The solstice is a shift in the balance of light and darkness, connecting us to the cyclical rhythms of nature. This is a time to shift your perspective, start something new, or simply reflect on your journey ahead. 

December 26th, 2023 – Full Moon In Cancer

On December 26th, 2023, we have a beautiful Full Moon at 4° Cancer. This is one of the best Full Moons of the year and it’s just perfect for an after-Christmas gathering or reflection. 

The Full Moon is sextile Jupiter and trine Saturn, creating an atmosphere where we feel safe and relaxed in our small – or large – social circle. 

Whether you spend time with your family, with friends, or by yourself – you will likely find a sense of community and belonging. 

Your community is everywhere! Reach out to a friend or to someone you care about. Friendship and belonging are highlighted during this time of connection and celebration. 

December 27th, 2023 – Chiron Goes Direct

On December 27th, 2023 – Chiron goes direct at 15° Aries. Chiron changes direction soon after the emotional Full Moon in Cancer.

Within the safe container created by the Full Moon in Cancer, we might find it easier to explore our vulnerabilities and become more intimate with others. It’s when we are vulnerable that intimacy is created. 

December 27th, 2023 – Mercury Conjunct Mars

But wait, there’s more! On December 27th, 2023, Mercury is conjunct Mars at 24° Sagittarius. This is a little bit of a tricky aspect, since it’s squaring Neptune AND Mercury is retrograde. 

I personally like Neptune-Mercury aspects – even the hard aspects – because they come with an opportunity to tap into heightened intuition and explore things from different angles. 

However,  a Neptune square is a Neptune square, and with Mercury retrograde playing trickster, it’s crucial we distinguish the profound insights from potential illusions, and make sure that our actions (Mars) are grounded in a clear understanding of reality.

December 29th, 2023 – Venus Enters Sagittarius

On December 29th, 2023, Venus enters Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius’ buoyant vibes are a blessing after a period of sometimes-too-intense Venus in Scorpio exploration of the deeper realms of relationships and personal values. 

Venus in Sagittarius brings a refreshing energy that encourages a more open-minded approach. We are now more open to exploring different values and approaches to love and relationships. 

December 30th, 2023 – Jupiter Goes Direct

More good news! On December 30th, 2023, Jupiter goes direct at 5° Taurus.

Jupiter is now officially applying a sign-based conjunction to Uranus. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is one of the most anticipated astrological events of 2024, and for good reasons. 

There is so much to look forward to in 2024! More about this in a blog dedicated to the astrology of 2024 – coming soon.

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