The Astrology Of August 2024 – Jupiter Square Saturn


August 2024 centers around one of the key transits of the year: Jupiter square Saturn.  

Jupiter square Saturn is a very important transit because it involves the two largest planets in the solar system. When these titans clash, we are compelled to focus on the major themes and challenges in our lives.

While the square is a tense aspect, it also brings energy and motivation, giving us the push we need to make meaningful improvements. 

This is the first square of the current Jupiter-Saturn cycle, which began in December 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn met at 0° Aquarius.

The first square of a synodic cycle is known as a “crisis in action,” meaning that whatever was initiated at the conjunction is now being tested against reality.

What makes sense, and what doesn’t? What should we continue doing, and what should we reconsider or change?

Squares are also opportunities for “market feedback,” bringing forth various possibilities. 

Take a step back and observe how the world validates – or doesn’t – what you do. If your efforts yield no results, perhaps it’s time to change your strategy. On the other hand, if an opportunity keeps presenting itself, it might be time to embrace it.

Mid-month, Venus in Virgo forms a T-square with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, prompting a change of heart. 

Although mutable T-squares may be less dramatic than other T-squares, they can be just as effective, if not more so.

Why? Because mutable energy is inherently flexible and manages change more constructively, without the drama of cardinal signs or the resistance of fixed signs. 

Venus, as the catalyst of this energy, suggests that our heart’s desires will ultimately drive the needed change.

Venus in Virgo will look at Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini and ask the critical question: “Does this make sense?” “Is this really what I want?”. If it doesn’t, she won’t hesitate to move on. 

Later this month, Venus forms a grand trine with Uranus and Pluto. When we are committed to change, good things can happen sometimes straight away. At the very least, we can achieve some quick wins to keep us encouraged on our journey.

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month

August 4th, 2024 – New Moon In Leo

On August 4th, 2024, we have a New Moon at 12° Leo.

This is an auspicious New Moon that is sextile Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. This aspect has a social, friendly vibe that encourages us to collaborate and connect with others.

The Gemini Air will fuel Leo’s fire with witty, charismatic, and versatile energy. This New Moon is great for social, intellectual, and artistic activities where spontaneity and creativity can shine. 

August 5th, 2024 – Mercury Goes Retrograde

On August 5th, 2024, Mercury goes retrograde at 4° Virgo.

It’s that time of year again. We don’t like Mercury retrogrades. But we need them. We need them because they help us integrate our experiences and lessons more thoroughly.

Imagine you’re rushing to get somewhere and you lose your phone along the way. On your way back to find it, you not only recover your phone but also notice things you missed the first time. 

Retrograde planets work in a similar way: they make us slow down, pay attention, and spot opportunities we might otherwise overlook.

So, although Mercury retrogrades may feel like hard work, they are in fact unique opportunities to reassess our priorities, gain new insights, and make thoughtful adjustments that help us move forward.

August 5th, 2024 – Venus Enters Virgo

On August 5th, 2024, Venus enters Virgo.

Venus in Virgo is the Cinderella of the zodiac. She’s humble, reliable, and doesn’t go out of her way to impress. She marries the prince not despite her modesty and practicality but because of them.

Venus in Virgo (and Virgo transits in general) remind us that sometimes it’s the seemingly insignificant qualities, such as attention to detail and genuine kindness, that make the biggest difference.

August 7th, 2024 – Mercury Conjunct Venus 

On August 7th, 2024, Mercury is conjunct Venus at 3° Virgo. Mercury is our thoughts and Venus is our feelings.

The reason we struggle to harmonize our thoughts and emotions is that our Mercury function (mind) doesn’t always speak the same language as our Venus function (emotions, values, subjective preferences).

Most people have Mercury and Venus in different signs, and even when they are in the same sign, aspects between them are rare. Due to their positions relative to the Sun and Earth, Mercury and Venus can only form two types of aspects: conjunctions and sextiles.

This is why getting your brain with your heart on the same page can be so challenging.

However, when these two planets DO align, they offer us a unique opportunity to find balance and translate our inner desires and thoughts into coherent actions, enabling both to come into agreement.

August 14th, 2024 – Mars Conjunct Jupiter

On August 14th, 2024, Mars is conjunct Jupiter at 16° Gemini. This is a powerhouse transit that will boost our energy levels to the max. 

However, a surge in energy doesn’t mean we can suddenly run a marathon.

Firstly, since this conjunction occurs in an Air sign, the energy is more intellectual and dispersed. Instead of running marathons, we may come up with a lot of ideas for new projects.

Secondly, for this energy (Mars) to be effectively channeled, it needs to align with our highest goals and aspirations (Jupiter). If something doesn’t genuinely inspire us, we may find it challenging to take action, even with this dynamic alignment.

In fact, if you’re struggling to take action during this transit, it’s a sign to delve deeper into your motivations and check if they align with your core values and aspirations.

Wanting something but not acting on it should be a red flag. 

However, a lack of motivation doesn’t necessarily mean you should overhaul your goals and priorities.

Sometimes, subtle adjustments – shifting your mindset to focus on the positives, cultivating gratitude, or realigning your actions with your core goals – can make a significant difference.

Fortunately, the conjunction occurs in Gemini, the sign of the mind, and is further supported by an introspective Mercury retrograde. This creates an ideal opportunity to rewire our thoughts and move forward with clarity and purpose.  

August 19th, 2024 – Jupiter Square Saturn

On August 19th, 2024, Jupiter (at 17° Gemini) is square Saturn (at 17° Pisces). When we talk Jupiter and Saturn, we talk about the structure of our life. 

Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in our solar system, so when they form an important aspect like a square (we only have a Jupiter-Saturn every 10 years), we know that we’re up for important developments.  

What these developments mean to you depends on the houses in your natal chart triggered by transit Jupiter and Saturn, whether or not you have planets around 17° in mutable signs, and what houses Jupiter and Saturn rule in your chart. 

But as a general influence, consider that Jupiter is your beliefs – of how you want your life to be – and Saturn is your results – or what is realistically achievable.

When Jupiter and Saturn clash in a square, this suggests there is a gap between what you believe it’s possible, and what can realistically be achieved. 

This isn’t always negative. Many people dream too small, lacking the confidence or expansive mindset that Jupiter offers – so they end up with ‘goals’ that fall short of their potential. 

For others, the opposite is true. They might dream too big, becoming entangled in unrealistic expectations or external influences. But if their current reality is struggling to meet basic needs, they may need a reality check.  

So what’s to be done? The goal of Jupiter square Saturn is to 1) help us identify what is truly important to us and 2) recognize the gaps between our ideals and our current situation. 

This clarity will then help us take practical steps forward, one step at a time.

Jupiter square Saturn is an opportunity to adjust for the best plan of action. The great thing about a square is that it leaves no room for ambiguity. A square is a very straightforward, “in your face” aspect. The universe is speaking to us directly: “This is what you need to do”. 

August 19th, 2024 – Full Moon In Aquarius

On August 19th, 2024, we have a Full Moon at 27° Aquarius.

The Full Moon is opposite Mercury retrograde (at 26° Leo) and tightly square Uranus (at 27° Taurus). This is a super intense Full Moon, so brace yourself for quite a few surprises. 

That square to Uranus is VERY tight, almost exact, and it’s guaranteed to shake things up. Shake not for the sake of destabilizing, but to help us (re)connect with our authentic self. 

Uranus in Taurus asks: Is this the real YOU? Is this truly what you want? If not, get back to basics. Rediscover (Mercury retrograde in Leo) your true essence, your inner creative potential, what makes you unique, and start from there, even if it means completely re-engineering your life.

The Full Moon in Aquarius has an extra oomph also because it occurs at the same time as the already life-altering Jupiter-Saturn square. This combination of transits signals the need for a long-awaited, systemic change that will ultimately propel us forward.

August 22nd, 2024 – Sun Enters Virgo

On August 22nd, 2024, the Sun enters Virgo. Happy birthday to all Virgos out there! 

The Virgo season is when we get back to earth, (re)anchoring in reality. The earthy, mutable energy of Virgo gives us the clarity and productivity boost we need to focus on what matters and get things done.

August 29th, 2024 – Mercury Goes Direct

On August 29th, 2024, Mercury goes direct at 21° Leo.

This is great news! Having learned a thing or two from the retrograde period, we are now ready to resume our plans and start afresh.

August 29th, 2024 – Venus Enters Libra

On August 29th, 2024, Venus enters her home sign, Libra. August has been quite a month, but it’s worth it when it ends on a high note. 

As Venus moves into Libra, she immediately forms a trine with Pluto at 0° Aquarius, creating a kite pattern with Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune at the apex. It’s recognizing and embracing our deepest desires that will help us manifest our greatest dreams.

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