Prolonged Sitting and its ill effects: Ayurveda Understanding


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Prolonged sitting is in the league of sedentary activities. It is the foundation of many systemic and metabolic disorders in the long run.

Related Reading – ‘Ill effects of Prolonged Sitting’

In this article, we will discuss the Ayurveda perspective of ‘ill effects of prolonged sitting.

Ill effects of prolonged sitting: Ayurveda Perspective

Amongst the etiological factors of Prameha, ‘Asya Sukham’ is one and has been mentioned right at the beginning. Asya Sukham means ‘sitting comfortably’ or ‘idle sitting’. This suggests a big part of ‘sedentary life’.

All pramehas are caused by increased kapha. All causes mentioned amongst the nidanas of prameha cause kapha increase and hence cause prameha. So, mathematically asya sukham too causes kapha increase. In other words, ‘asya sukham’ i.e. ‘idle sitting’ or sitting for prolonged time causes pathological increase of kapha.

Impact of prolonged sitting on Kapha and Meda and manifestation of subsequent symptoms and complications

Many symptoms which are caused due to the effect of prolonged sitting are caused by kapha increase in kapha because too much rest and sedentary life will lead to an increase of kapha qualities in the body. Added with Ati santarpana – hyper-nutrition it would become a lethal combination. Over nutrition and lack of exercise due to prolonged sitting will not only increase kapha but will also increase meda – fat. Increased fat would cause blockage in the body and the channels of transport, including blood vessels. This will lead to depletion of oxygenation and nutrition to the tissues and organs. There is a metabolic slow-down or shut-down. The functions of the entire system will slow down and hence open up the gates for metabolic disorders like diabetes, hyperthyroidism etc. Medas i.e. fat tissue has a relationship of ashraya and ashrayi with kapha. Fat is one of the tissues in which kapha is seated. Therefore, they are physiologically and pathologically looped with each other.

Avyayama – deficit or lack of exercise, which includes sitting for prolonged, Shleshmala Ahara Sevana – excessive consumption of kapha increasing foods and Divaswapna – excessive day sleep are the most important etiological factors of Medo Roga – diseases caused due to errors of fat metabolism.

‘Medasavrita Margatvat Pushyanti Anye Na Dhatavah’ – this part of the verse from the context of Medoroga says that when the abnormally increased fat accumulates in the body, it starts blocking the channels of transportation. This will deplete the nutrition to all the other tissues and all tissues will become weak and susceptible to a wide array of disorders. Only fat tissue will increase abnormally in this context. Due to accumulation of fat, the person becomes debilitated and cannot do any daily activities.

This mechanism of abnormal increase of kapha and fat needs to be understood to understand the symptoms caused due to prolonged sitting. It is not just the kapha increase, but the increase of body components and tissues which are predominant in kapha which contributes to the slow building pathogenesis in the body leading to the symptoms in the long run.

We need to see that kapha increases do not give rise to these symptoms overnight or in short duration. The pathogenesis takes its own time and may take many years or months for the active symptoms to manifest. It also depends how long the person is used to sedentary activities like prolonged sitting. And how many other contributory factors are responsible and how many etiological factors the person has consumed or exposed to, for the pathogenesis to develop. More the nidana – etiological factors, more the duration of consumption of nidana, quicker is the pathogenesis and sooner the symptoms manifest. It also depends on how many tissues are affected by pathological kapha increase.

The ill effects of prolonged sitting like inactivity of weak leg muscles, fatigue, sarcopenia, and difficulty to stand, walk and climb stairs are caused due to combined effects of kapha increase, meda increase, mamsa – muscle decrease and vata decrease.

Impact of prolonged sitting on vata and subsequent pathogenesis and symptoms

Prolonged sitting causes an increase in kapha. Increase in kapha obviously leads to decreased vata. Some symptoms due to the effect of prolonged sitting are caused due to vata increase.

Vata, in a state of balance, is responsible for all activities and movements in the body. When there is vata decrease, the movements and activities of not only limbs but also the tissues and organs will decrease consequently.

Angasada is one of the symptoms of vata decrease, wherein the person feels tiredness in all the body parts. This is due to inactivity for prolonged periods of time.

Can prolonged sitting cause vata to increase?

Many symptoms caused due to prolonged sitting as explained in the modern texts reflect symptoms similar to those of vata increase. Prolonged sitting is a sedentary activity. As a rule, it has to increase kapha and subsequent decrease in vata, both of which can cause symptoms taking origin from prolonged sitting and other sedentary activities.

But prolonged sitting too can cause vata to increase. How?

Prolonged sitting causes kapha increase in kapha. This in turn causes an increase of meda – fat. Fat clogs all the channels of the body. This leads to depletion of all tissues other than meda. Excessive tissue depletion causes vata increase. This increased vata increase is responsible for pain and other symptoms caused due to prolonged sitting.

Analysis of other ill effects of Prolonged Sitting from Ayurveda Perspective

Pain – is caused as an effect of vata increase and depletion of mamsa, asthi and majja decrease.

Tightness in the muscle – is caused due to increased vata and localization of increased vata in the muscles.

Limited mobility – is due to kapha and meda increase and vata decrease.

Restrictive airway diseases – are caused due to slouched posture as per modern medicine. Shwasa – exaggerated breathing pattern or dyspnoea is mentioned amongst the symptoms of kapha increase. This is caused due to kapha increase or vata obstructed by kapha in the lungs. Increased medas too can cause difficulty in breathing. Shwasa Krichrata and Alpe api chestite shwasam – breathing trouble even with slightest / minimum activity is a symptom of increase of fat tissue.

Slower Metabolism – Kapha increase causes agnimandya. This causes sluggish metabolism and severe impairment of digestion process, which is the root cause of many diseases. This is also responsible for increase of fat in the body and subsequent symptoms and complications of errors of fat metabolism. Prolonged sitting is said to be a significant risk factor for obesity.

Reduced blood flow to the legs, impaired vein and lymphatic functions and consequent leg swelling and poor circulation – caused due to accumulation of kapha and meda in the blood vessels, lymphatics and other channels and ducts of the body and the movements of vata being occluded by kapha and medas in the blood vessels.

Slowdown of bodily functions, cognitive changes, memory and thought disturbances, depression and mood disorders – are caused due to increase of kapha and decrease of vata. Kapha increase will also increase the tamas quality of the mind which is responsible for these symptoms.

Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, lack of movements, joint stiffness, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances, risk of injuries – these are caused due to the combined effect of increased kapha and medas, vata increase subsequent to dhatu kshaya and localization of increased vata in bones, muscles and joints.

Atherosclerosis, poor circulation, heart disease, heart attacks and hypertension – all these occur due to increased meda subsequent to kapha increase and this meda causing blocks in the channels of the body including the arteries. Many symptoms pointing towards development of heart disorders of grave nature are mentioned in the context of Medoroga.

Diabetes, elevated sugar levels – ‘Kapha krt cha sarvam’ – all types of prameha, which is correlated with diabetes mellitus, are caused by abnormal increase in kapha. Prameha is also said to be caused due to contamination of medovaha srotas. Medas is one of the tissues which is an abode of kapha. Prolonged sitting causes kapha increase, meda increase and contamination of medovaha srotas and subsequent medoroga and prameha.

Management of ill effects of prolonged sitting

Nidana Parivarjana

Avoiding or keeping away the causative factors is the key principle for keeping away from any disease or to halt the progression of the disease.

In this context, one should avoid prolonged sitting and indulge in different kinds of activities and exercises. One should break the ice and come away from sedentary lifestyle practices. One should avoid all kinds of kapha and meda increasing foods, activities and behaviours. One should try to keep physically, mentally and emotionally fit, always.

Prompt treatment for diseases and ill effects caused by prolonged sitting should be given.

Beneficial external therapies

Abhyanga and Swedana for vata predominant symptoms or ill effects.

Udwarthana and Swedana – for kapha and meda predominant symptoms or ill effects.

Useful Panchakarma Therapies

Vamana and Virechana are the main therapies which will help to expel the morbid kapha and meda and help in recovery from ill effects of prolonged sitting.

Vasti should be administered wherein symptoms of vata increase are seen and also in chronic and longstanding ill effects of prolonged sitting.

Strong Nasya therapies will help in expelling morbid kapha from the head and neck regions.

Other principles

Kapha disorders and Medo Roga / Sthoulya, Prameha and Medovaha Sroto Dushti and diseases taking origin from contamination of medovaha srotas should be promptly treated. Likewise, any disease or ill effect of prolonged sitting too shall be promptly treated through Ayurveda treatment principles.

Vyayama – Exercise is the best remedy. It is a responsibility one needs to take by voluntarily pushing self from the chairs and beds of sedentary lives towards committed daily exercise, workouts and activities. Vyayama enhances the metabolism, makes the person fit and healthy and capable of doing any work or activities with ease, depletes unnecessary fat deposits, destroys morbid kapha and ama, and helps in maintaining the physical dimensions in ideal way. It will also help in reverting back to normal health, when practiced regularly. Exercise is a one shot remedy for the ill effects of prolonged sitting.

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