Planets In Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships – Robert Hand



Robert Hand’s “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships” is a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the composite chart technique in astrology. It offers a unique approach to understanding relationships by treating them as distinct entities rather than simply viewing them as the sum of individual personalities. This method involves constructing a new astrological chart based on the midpoints of planetary positions in the birth charts of two or more individuals. As John Townley notes in the foreword, the book is designed to be a definitive guide to this novel astrological method.

This review will delve into the key concepts, techniques, interpretations, case studies, and limitations of Hand’s work, providing a detailed analysis of its contribution to astrology.

Core Concepts and Methodologies

At the heart of the book is the concept of the composite chart. This chart is not based on an individual’s birth data but is calculated using the midpoints between the planetary positions of two or more natal charts.

The underlying principle, as Hand explains, is that astrological influences can be treated as forces, possessing direction and magnitude (vertex) that can be mathematically computed. By creating a new chart from these midpoints, the relationship is viewed as a separate entity with its unique astrological signature. This perspective departs from traditional astrological methods, focusing primarily on individual natal charts.

The book opens with Chapter One, “Casting the Chart”, which provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on calculating the composite chart. This chapter goes into the required mathematical processes, which is the basis for the rest of the book. While most astrological software can calculate midpoints in seconds, there’s something uniquely satisfying about doing it manually. Think of it as uncovering a hidden balance point between two celestial forces. And don’t worry—it’s easier than you think! Just follow these simple steps below, and you’ll pinpoint planetary midpoints like a pro in no time.

• Planet A: 15° Taurus → 45° total degrees
• Planet B: 10° Leo → 130° total degrees

Arc Distances:
• From Taurus to Leo (Direct arc): 130° – 45° = 85°
• From Leo to Taurus (Longer arc): 360° – 85° = 275°
The shorter arc is 85°, so we proceed with that.
1. Midpoint: (45° + 130°) ÷ 2 = 87.5°
2. Result: 87.5° → 27.5° Gemini
Alternatively, you can ask one of the LLMs to give you a hand!
• Hand emphasizes the equal value given to the Sun and Moon in these calculations, which differs from traditional astrological approaches where the Sun is typically given more weight.
• The book explains the use of Koch Tables for accurate calculations
• The calculation of house cusps is also explained, which differs from the planet calculations, and the composite Ascendant is given specific attention.
• The concept of multiple composites is also introduced. However, it is noted that constructing multiple composites for the same relationship can cause interpretation problems.
• The calculation of the Vertex is included in the methodology, and it is considered to be an important aspect of a composite chart.

Interpretation of the Composite Chart
The bulk of the book is dedicated to interpreting the composite chart. Hand provides detailed delineations for each planetary position in the twelve houses and the aspects between planets.

The Composite Sun
Hand offers comprehensive interpretations of the Sun’s placement in each house.
• A composite Sun in the first house signifies an emphasis on the relationship’s personality and how it is perceived by others.
• Aspects to other planets are also detailed:
• A Sun-Moon conjunction suggests a shared sense of purpose.
• A Sun-square-Mars aspect indicates potential for conflict.
• A Sun-Jupiter conjunction signifies growth in a relationship.
• Sun-Saturn aspects can be challenging.
• Sun-Uranus aspects can indicate a need for freedom.
• Sun-Neptune aspects may show an element of illusion in the relationship.

The Composite Moon
The book discusses the Moon’s placement in the houses and its aspects to other planets.
• The Moon’s placement is given significant attention as it is closely associated with the emotional aspects of a relationship.
• For example:
• A composite Moon in the first house suggests a strong emotional connection.
• A Moon-Mercury aspect indicates a good ability to communicate and share ideas.
• A Moon-Venus aspect denotes emotional harmony.
• Aspects to Mars and Jupiter bring their own specific dynamics.
• Moon-Saturn aspects relate to emotional barriers.
• Moon-Uranus aspects bring volatility.
• Moon-Neptune aspects highlight potential idealizations in the relationship.
• Moon-Pluto aspects indicate the potential for intense emotional transformations.
• Moon-Ascendant aspects also affect the nature of emotional expression and communication.

The Houses

Each of the twelve houses is interpreted in the context of the relationship, and their meanings are distinguished from those in a natal chart.
• The fourth house concerns home and inner feelings.
• The tenth house relates to career and public status.
• The sixth house signifies service and tasks done together.
• The twelfth house concerns unconscious issues.

Other Planets

The book delves into the interpretations of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the composite chart, giving specific attention to how these manifest in a relationship context.
• Mercury’s position highlights communication styles within a relationship.
• Venus indicates the nature of affection.
• Mars signifies the level of drive and assertiveness.
• Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto bring unique dynamics to relationships.

Case Studies and Examples
Hand includes several case studies and examples throughout the book to demonstrate the composite chart’s practical applications.
• The case study of Will and Sylvia illustrates how composite chart theory manifests in a real-life relationship.
• Additional examples include the case studies of Fred and Mary. The book also discusses the composite charts of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung to demonstrate that the technique is not limited to sexual relationships but “can express the subtleties of the most complex human relationships.
• These case studies aid in connecting the theoretical concepts to real-world situations and highlight nuances in interpretation.

Limitations and Critiques
While “Planets in Composite” is a comprehensive guide, it has certain limitations:
• Equal weighting given to all planetary midpoints.
• The absence of weightage to zodiac signs in composite charts.
• Lack of spiritual or karmic dimensions.
• Dense text requiring prior astrological knowledge.
• A predominantly Western astrological approach.

Overall Assessment

“Planets in Composite” is a valuable resource for astrologers looking to explore the composite chart technique.
While it has certain limitations, the book’s strengths outweigh its weaknesses. Its methodology provides a systematic approach to relationship analysis, offering fresh insights unavailable from natal charts alone.


“Planets in Composite” by Robert Hand offers a detailed framework for understanding human relationships through composite charts. Despite some limitations, it remains a significant and insightful contribution to relationship astrology.

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