Oval vs Round Diamonds: Which Shape is Best for Your Engagement Ring?


Oval diamonds, with their softer edges, are less prone to chipping than square and rectangular shapes like princess or emerald cuts which are aligned with cleavage directions. Additionally, they often come with a lower price tag compared to round diamonds of the same carat weight, making them a more budget-friendly option for those seeking size and value. A reat way to meet the carat weight expectations of your intended’s family.

One thing to be mindful of when choosing an oval diamond is the potential “bow-tie effect,” a dark shadow that appears across the center of the diamond. A small bow tie that flashes quickly from dark to bright with a small movement adds brilliance and sparkle. A larger persistent bowtie detract from the diamond’s brilliance. The closer you view the diamond or the darker your hair and skin, the worse the bow tie will appear as the cause is the lighting that you are obscuring.

There is a lot of ill informed information about oval bow-ties both online and in jewelry stores. Our PriceScope in-house vendors and the assistance of our forum expert consumers are the best way to find a diamond that does not have an ugly bow tie. We recommend you examine an oval diamond in various lighting conditions before making your final decision.

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