New Moon Webinar and The Glorious Wood Dragon – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Hi friends,

Happy Lunar New Year! This week ushers in the year of the Wood Dragon in Chinese astrology, as well as the season of the New Moon in Aquarius, in the western school of astrology that I (mostly) practice and teach. It is a juicy, fun, and upbeat one . . . a GREAT time for setting intentions for development and growth.

The Chinese zodiac is all real animals. The ONE that is not real is a dragon.  It inspires mythical, inspirational and imaginative dreams- encouraging you to push past ordinary boundaries!

The Sun and Moon will meet up on Friday, February 9, 2024, at 20 degrees, 40 minutes Aquarius: in the day of Venus and hour of Mars. We find an action-taking-towards-your-dreams chart with the Arabic Part of Plays activated, and an exalted Mars in Capricorn forming a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Saturn is in the Seventh House of partnerships, smack dab on the World Point at 7.5 degrees Pisces, encouraging us to make relational choices that are dignified and wise. Who do you REALLY want to work with and why?

Get your ducklings in a row! Ceres, the Mother Goddess asteroid, is on the World Point at 0 Capricorn. Creative projects undertaken now can have a big, big impact. Shower your attention on what you really love and keep the faith. We are moving into a new era.

It’s true that the Goddess of Love is in a somewhat challenging position, squaring the two Nodes of Fate in Aries and Libra. HOWEVER, the Nodes are especially cooperative right now: the North Node in Aries is answering to Mars and the South Node in Libra to Venus, and Venus and Mars are getting along extremely well, approaching a conjunction in Capricorn. You can harness all the unruly parts of yourself, and get them committed to your big-picture goals.

The last Wood Dragon year was 1964, a moment of significant progress towards equal civil rights in the United States. It is up to us to hold the vision. Change DOES happen! It’s a powerful moment, our first New Moon since Pluto shifted signs for the first time in 16 years. Say hello and welcome him into the Aquarius party, where there’s room for everybody. Onward!

If you’d like to learn more about the energy of this week’s New Moon and how it lands in YOUR natal chart, I invite you to join my New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar on Wednesday, February 7 at 7:30 PM Eastern.

Here’s to our bright visions!

Big hugs,


The New Moon in Aquarius
Friday, February 9, 2024
5:58 PM Eastern US time
Chart for Washington, DC

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