New Moon July 2021 – Somya Devi Vedic Astrology


New Moon July 2021

The Sun and Moon are coming towards exact conjunction as the dark Moon wanes tonight in sidereal Gemini. The exact New Moon moment is tomorrow, July 9th at 9:17 pm ET, with Sun and Moon joining in Punarvasu nakshatra, in late sidereal Gemini, to begin a new lunar cycle.

Gemini Cycle

The Gemini cycle begins a month where we are able to freely change direction when we need to, under the energy of this bipedal air sign. Mercury rules here, the planet of the intellect that compels us to ask “how does this work?” with a curious investigative attitude. Jupiter, however, is retrograde, bright and strong, and is casting his aspect of light onto the Sun, Moon and Mercury during the dark Moon period. This influence is strong and will create some judgmental opinions that may direct the normally impartial Mercurial-Geminian mindset.

Punarvasu Nakshatra

Sun and Moon will be joined in Punarvasu nakshatra, a Vedic star-sign that bridges the end of Gemini and the beginning of Cancer. Punarvasu means “becoming light again” and can bring an air of refreshment after the stormy nakshatra of Ardra. Its deity is Aditi, the goddess of the harvest, and this Moon often cycle guides us into a first major harvest of the year. It offers the opportunity of abundance, and it is good to meditate upon what it is we are growing and hoping to harvest this lunar cycle, and this season of the year or our lives.

Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn

Jupiter and Saturn remain retrograde, giving us a chance to slow down and reflect on a lot of the issues guided by these two in our natal charts. Jupiter rules over our philosophies and ideas, the teachings we have taken on and let guide our opinions and value systems. This period of retrograde may cause us to reflect on this, perhaps re-evaluating some opinions, or choosing new teachers or a new course of education that might begin once Jupiter is direct again. This can also influence the areas of life indicated by Jupiter in your natal chart and have more effects depending upon placement and dasha.

Saturn, likewise, rules certain areas for each of us, and for all of us guides our discrimination and determination, particularly when it comes to long-term goals and pursuits. His retrograde journey each year is a time to re-examine where our commitments lie, and to what we are truly committed that is in alignment with our lifelong pursuits and the underlying structures that support us.

Saturn’s retrograde trip is from May 23rd through October 10th, while Jupiter’s is from June 20th through October 17th.

Venus-Mars War

Venus and Mars are approaching each other in sidereal Cancer, entering a planetary war during which they are within one degree from July 11th through the 14th. Venus is far brighter than Mars, who is already debilitated in Cancer—although this debilitation is heavily modified by the strong direct aspect from his ruler, the bright, powerful, retrograde and sva (in-his-own-sign) Saturn. Nevertheless, Venus most likely wins the war and we may find that our desire nature, sensual indulgences, and attachment to romance and pleasure will beat out any strength in discipline and boundaries that we hope to hold over these few days. If keeping strong boundaries or discipline is a challenge for you in general, be sure to source all your resources to stay strong during this war.


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