New Moon In Capricorn – Happy New Year!


On December 30th-31st, 2024, we have a fabulous NYE New Moon at 9° Capricorn.

What perfect timing for New Year’s resolutions!

More often than not, the New Moon in Capricorn occurs after Dec. 31st, which means that our New Year’s resolutions are seeded during the Sagittarius lunar season, rather than the Capricorn one.

This explains the enthusiasm – but also the occasional lack of practicality and follow-through.

However, when we set our New Year’s resolutions during the Capricorn lunar season, we are much more likely to achieve them.

new moon in Capricorn

The New Moon is almost unaspected, apart from a wide-ish sextile to its ruler, Saturn, now at 14° Pisces – we have free will, with just enough support from structure and discipline to guide us forward.

Setting goals at the New Moon has been a tried-and-true practice for ages.

Farmers and ancient communities used to plan things like planting crops around the Moon’s cycles, working with nature’s rhythms to get the best results.

The reason why setting goals at the New Moon works lies in its astrological alignment. The Sun and the Moon meet in a conjunction. The Sun and the Moon, the 2 luminaries, are the core energies of life. The conjunction is a seeding aspect. This is when a new cycle starts. This is a fresh beginning filled with potential.

New Moon In Capricorn – All My Needs Are Supplied

The Sabian symbol of the New Moon is “An albatross feeding from the hands of a sailor”, or the modern interpretation, “All my needs are supplied”.

When we set out goals, we often approach them from a place of need: “I need this”.

But what if all your needs were already supplied? What would you choose to pursue then? What goals would fulfill you at the deepest level? What would make your journey on this planet truly meaningful?

Whether we realize it or not, we all crave, at a soul level, to leave a legacy, to leave our imprint on the world. This is what Capricorn’s evolutionary purpose is: to discover, define, and fulfill that path.

Your natal chart, your life experiences, and everything you do are part of a training to guide you to the top of your mountain, whatever that means for you. This may, or may not, have anything to do with material achievements. It could be spiritual, emotional, or something else entirely. Everyone’s path is unique.

True fulfillment doesn’t come from following someone else’s path or conforming to societal expectations of success.

Only you, deep in your soul, know what that looks like for you.

The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you found out why.” – Mark Twain

So take this opportunity to reflect, to dream, and to set your intentions for the climb ahead.

2025 will be a year to remember, filled with extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime type of transits.

The New Moon in Capricorn could be the perfect starting point to align your goals so you can make the best of the opportunities that lie ahead.

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