Love Rituals and Esoteric Foreplay for Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and we’re getting tired of reading articles about the ultimate gift or the must-try restaurant. Why talk about consumerism when love should be at the heart of the conversation? I want love, and why not a little more (if you know what I mean) for this lovers’ holiday! So if you’re like me, read my article without delay! I’ve put together some easy love rituals and esoteric practices for the big night… Pick the one or ones that resonate most with you, and let me know how it goes!

Picture this… You’re together (or with more than one, I’m not judging) and feel an intense connection growing between you, from esoteric foreplay to ecstasy…

The Candles of Intention

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  • Candles (red, pink, white, for love)
  • Essential oils (rose, lavender, and to find out which essential oils match your zodiac sign, click here)

Love Ritual

Create a ritual space around you. Light the candle(s) and both of you focus on the flame. It symbolizes the light and passion between you. Then, take turns stating a love intention. Only you know what you wish for your relationship. Believe in your words, give them credit and power. Saying it is already acting on it. Next, apply essential oil to your wrists and hold hands. Look into each other’s eyes, smile, meditate, and live in the present moment. You can also whisper sweet words to each other.


The Sacred Dance


Love Ritual

At the beginning of a relationship, or over the years, intimacy and body connection can be complicated. This love ritual aims to strengthen your physical connection, a great prelude (esoteric foreplay) to union. To do this, play soft, sensual music. Hold hands, touch each other gently, and let your bodies express themselves to the rhythm of the music. To better understand the power of music, you can read this article dedicated to ecstatic dance. It perfectly explains how our bodies can free our minds and open us up to a new world, new practices. That’s exactly what we’re looking for in this ritual: opening the door to a loving world.


Chakra Massage


Love Ritual

Chakras balance the energies of our body and mind. If they’re unbalanced, your relationship will likely face some challenges. To be on the same wavelength as your partner, this esoteric massage will be perfect. Indeed, by taking a moment to explore the energy points on your partner’s body, you’ll understand their strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to build or repair your relationship more stably. With massage oil, touch your partner’s body and feel the energy. You can accompany your movements with a mantra or intention to activate vital energy. Very quickly, you’ll feel the spiritual and sexual connection, and you’ll be able to enjoy an intense moment of love.


Offerings to Love


Love Ritual

Valentine’s Day is often a moment of consumerism, as if offering the latest iPhone were enough to symbolize the love we feel for each other. In this love ritual, the gift is revisited, reworked to touch the higher sphere of love. Like to a god or goddess, you’ll make an offering to your partner. Following the mythological tradition, offer fruits, flowers, or honey. You can even feed your partner honey to symbolize the sweetness and longevity of the relationship. Yes, honey is said to be one of the only foods that will never spoil, just like your relationship! Mutual recognition and respect are key!

Magical Seduction: Food, Drink and Decor for a Romantic Dinner

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The Handprint


  • Body paint
  • Or massage oil

Love Ritual

Similar to dance or massage, the handprint ritual is an intimate love practice. Here, you’ll apply body paint (fun!) or oil to your hands, and leave marks on your partner’s body. Symbolically, you’ll transmit your energy and also receive theirs, mixing your energies to create a powerful new one that combines you. This playful, fun, and powerful love ritual will strengthen your sensory connection through touch. It can also transform into esoteric foreplay to begin a physical relationship.


Sensory Deprivation


  • A soft cloth
  • Essential oils

Love Ritual

We know that love is often conveyed through sight, but it’s also important to engage other senses to strengthen the bond with your partner. In this esoteric foreplay, you’ll lose your sight! Start by dimming the lights for a cozy atmosphere, then cover your partner’s eyes with a blindfold or soft cloth. They will focus on their other senses. On your side, you’ll massage their body (wrists, shoulders) with the essential oils you’ve chosen, letting the scents diffuse in the air. Your partner, deprived of sight, should feel the soothing vibrations of the moment. You can share sweet words or remain silent, in a shared meditation.



To conclude, whether you’re a fan of esotericism or simply looking for a way to strengthen your bond with your loved one, love rituals are an excellent way to give your connection deeper meaning. I’ve thought of simple rituals that anyone can set up with materials most people already have, so that as many of you as possible can try them. There’s no need to open a grimoire or have a bunch of divination tools to enjoy esoteric foreplay!

Plus, these precious moments offer an inner journey, both intimate and magical. Esoteric foreplay, far from being just a preparation for physical union, becomes a sacred dance, an exchange of intentions, a journey into the soul of the other.

Valentine’s Day, often reduced to an act of consumerism, deserves to be reinvented. Why settle for a simple material gesture when you can create vibrant and intense moments of closeness? Light candles, dance, massage chakras, or exchange symbolic gifts! All these love rituals nourish the relationship in a more spiritual and lasting way. Love is not just a gift to offer, it’s an energy to cultivate together, a bond to maintain beyond appearances.

So this year, choose esoteric foreplay and let yourself be guided by the magic of true love.

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