Lose weight: just do it!


I could never lose weight until I stopped trying. It happened after my third child left my body and came into this world. After losing 50 pounds and giving up the saltines and sharp cheddar cheese that quelled the nausea, I said, “I give up. I will never deprive myself of anything again. If it’s not easy, I won’t do it.”

What happened scientifically at that moment was neural integration.

I didn’t care what anyone thought, what I thought, how heavy I would be. For me it was all about connecting with the deepest part of myself and eating whatever my body was telling me.

I was only 32 years old and had no idea what I had done at the time when I claimed this was neurophysiological and an important first step.

Since then, research has helped me hypothesize why rewiring one circuit at a time after that first step resulted in effortless weight loss. The EBT program helps you rewire those same circuits, which can help rebalance the eight key chemicals that lead to overeating and weight gain.

Here is a quick look at this beautiful journey:

Start by stopping

Start by not worrying about your weight. Others talk about your weight, but spare yourself that self-loathing. Instead, say to yourself, “My job is to connect with the deepest part of myself and create so much joy in my life that I feel that biochemical rush that blocks the chemical rush of stress that leaves me hungry, lethargic, fat and self-confident.” shameful.”

Give it up. Then integrate into your EBT support group and stay true to your commitment to connecting internally, trusting your body, and creating joy. Watch my circuit rewiring videos and use this information and your EBT app to dismantle (“crush!”) any wires that are blocking your joy.

The brains of our hunter-gatherer ancestors activate stress chemicals that promote food cravings, overeating, and weight gain.

Rewire your food cycle

Most people start by rewiring their nutritional circuitry. Eat what you want without judgment and notice yourself eating less. Your stress is lower, so your brain is more likely to notice the negative sensations of eating too much or too little, and you begin to learn to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re just satisfied and not overly full.

If overeating irritates you enough, use EBT to discover and rewire a circuit that causes binge eating, mindless eating, binge eating, or overeating. Select the wire you want to free and rewire it. You’ll know you’ve rewired it when you spontaneously and effortlessly eat less. Don’t expect much, but know that change is happening. Even though it’s confusing, you’ll feel like you’re on the right track with your diet and your life.

Delete the mood wire

Once you have rewired your food circuit, your interest will shift to rewiring another circuit. Rewiring is exciting and fun. This time there is also a survival circuit for those in a bad mood. Often it’s a stressed mood that triggers overeating, like depression or anxiety, but sometimes it’s a mood you crave, like numbness, that activates along with your food cycle. For some people, it is the mood that follows overeating, such as feelings of shame.

Select one of them and rewire it. A feeling of freedom will follow. You are happier and healthier because after rewiring both the food circuit and the mood circuit, your brain’s set point is higher, allowing the chemical stress cascade to calm down. Biochemically speaking, you feel more rewarded by life’s natural pleasures. Your attention will turn to relationships.

By eliminating stress cycles, the eight key chemicals that cause overeating and weight gain can normalize and serve as a natural weight loss medication.

Destroy your love and physical cycle

With enough stress, the brain activates a circuit to merge and lose our boundaries with others or distance, creating a bulging boundary. Both block the increase in oxytocin, the love chemical, which is an appetite suppressant. Rewire it.

At this point in your EBT journey, you may be losing weight naturally. However, they are not finished yet. The most important wire is your systemic circulation, the drive to hold onto extra weight for protection or to assess your body. Both are serious psychological attacks that prevent lasting weight loss. Rewire it.

Now is when the most beautiful change occurs, when the joy of letting go of extra weight becomes more rewarding than holding on to it. It is biochemical and natural. You like being a little hungry. If someone puts too much food on your plate, protest. Instead of fighting the urge to overeat, discover how nourishing it is to be a little hungry and shed the weight.

Now focusing on weight loss strategies is fascinating, and just as you used to share food stories or recipes with others, now you enjoy stories about how you don’t need extra food. For some, food is no longer an issue, something that shouldn’t be talked about. Much like a romantic relationship that ends, the magic of food is also over because your immense love for yourself has replaced it.

Raising the Set Point: A Life of Joy and Purpose

The final part of the EBT program is to increase your set point, train your brain for lasting diet and weight changes, and tune your brain for optimal health. By increasing the set point, the old wires are less likely to reconnect and you will develop into a person oriented toward joy and purpose.

At this point, most people said they were grateful that they struggled with food and weight because it motivated them to reprogram their brains in the exact way that completed their lives. Food and weight no longer play a role in their lives and they have the freedom they have always longed for.

This is why the method was originally called “The Solution” because it provides more than just permanent weight loss; It is a path to a new and better life.

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