Jelqing Penis Stretching exercise: does it work?


Most men all over the world are very aware of the size of their penis. You believe that your penises are either average or below average. Like per ResearchAbout 66 percent rated their penis on average and 12 percent stated that they had a small penis. Interestingly, it is a bigger problem among them than in women, since most of them reported that they were satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis.

It was found that most men would definitely be interested in one way to increase the size of their male genitals that do not include operations or strong medication and no additional costs. Of course there is a solution for it. The solution takes place in the form of ‘jelqing’. Let’s take a closer look at the basics of jelqing.

What is jelqing exercise?

Jelqing is a penis stretching exercise. It is a solo stretching exercise for penis enlargement and blood flow and possibly even a way to improve a man’s sexual experience as a whole. It contains a way to massage the fabric of a semi-monkey penis and stretch the skin to create “micro-tears” that make the penis look committed. Post heal them. In the simplest of terms, it allegedly makes your penis look longer or thicker.

Why jelqing? What is the purpose? What are the advantages of the gel?

After a few Research The results of half of the study men published in the psychology of men and masculinity believed that they could change their penis size using a non-surgical method. After some of the more dubious claims out there, a consistent jelqing can help:

  • Increase the scope of your penis if you are limp and upright
  • Increase the length of your penis when you are limp and upright
  • Make your penis erections longer and more difficult

Finally, all of this helps to strengthen self -esteem and to help him to manage with self -confidence or image awareness as well as fear of performance.

How does a jelq help with erection/ increase the size of the penis in the penis?

The phenomenon of the penalty position is based on the blood that flows into the arteries of the penis. The more the river and the more staying there, the longer the erectile duration and would of course increase the length of the penis to a certain extent.

While someone carries out thorough jelqing technology, it is a way to press these arteries so that an increased amount of blood flows into it. In addition, the vessels can also be stimulated in order to expand and maintain the right structure that makes the blood flow freely. This enables a man to reach a penis erection much faster and maintain more easily. Therefore, Jelqing solves the problem of erectile dysfunction or erection problems in men.

How do I do jelqing?

Jelqing exercise process steps:

  1. First, he has to bring his penis in a semi-esertical or completely upright position.
  2. If you apply some moisturizer, your fingers can gently slide the skin of the penis shaft.
  3. Next, you have to wrap your thumb and index finger around the penis waves in a way that the hand looks like an “OK” gesture.
  4. At this point, you have to tighten the grip with the fingers that are around the penis shaft.
  5. Starting with your stomach, you have to slide your hand in the direction of the head of the penis.
  6. Slowly you have to move your hand towards your stomach while loosening the handle.
  7. Repetition of step 4.
  8. Continuation of the process for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
  9. You can even use traction devices if necessary.

note:- Before the start, you can apply lotion or lubricant to the palm that reduces friction. For this purpose, some special products are available both online and offline.

Important tips that you should follow during jelqing

  1. Place your thumb under your wave, your index finger on the top of the shaft and gently press the view down (as if you are trying to pinch something).
  2. The use of lubricant is good safety provision, but you may want to skip if you find that you are super hard or overstimulated. Just make sure that you do not draw or irritate the skin.

Jelqing – does it work? Does Jelqing really increase the length of your penis?

Scientific research is still on to create a concrete relationship between jelqing and increase the length of a penis. Jelqing is still one of the “unproven treatments”, which are largely shared in online groups, blog posts or maybe between friends.

However, it should be noted that jelqing is essentially a stretching exercise and works on a similar principle using pumps and extensions. More than eighty percent of men who are in a regular jelqing regime record a change in the penis length with an average increase in the length of their penises by 1 inch and an increase in circumference by 1 inch.

Here are some scientific works that refer to jelqing with traction devices:

  • A 2011 study said that the use of traction devices could increase the penis length to one centimeter if they are worn at least 9 hours a day for 3 months.
  • Another 2011 review The literature of the penis extension showed that traction devices provided comparable results for the operation and had recommended traction devices as first line treatment.
  • There is a 2013 review of studies in which the traction devices were effective in the treatment of penis deformities and did not make the penis any longer or thicker.
  • Again a 2016 report There were no significant effects of traction devices on the penis length or the scope, and found that more, larger studies are required.

Are jelqing results permanent? How long do the results last?

The winnings from jelqing are considered quite permanent. But if you stop it abruptly, there is a high option that it will lose a little thickness and length.

What are the possible side effects of jelqing?

Jelqing is a fairly safe method as long as you don’t press your penis so often. Or too aggressive.

  • You have to understand that tissue can tear about aggressive tissue or damage the ligaments that connect the penis to the pelvis.
  • In the worst cases, this type of damage can affect the ability of one’s own skills, to get or stay hard.

Different potential Jelqing side effects are as follows:

  • Bruise on the penis: The intensive stroking of the penis without lubricant can cause a lot of bruises and scars of the penis.
  • Pain or pain along the shaft The performance influence: The pain due to the continuous rubbing of the penis can affect sex life, since you definitely do not want to worsen the pain and bruises.
  • Skin irritation by rubbing: There can be serious skin irritation or rashes due to too much rubbing.
  • Scar tissue that results from grating too hard: Jelqing means that micro tears are caused in the penis tissue, which regenerates. If the healing process is slowly slowed down, it would increase fibrous scar tissue in the penis.
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): The powerful rubbing can violate blood vessels within the shaft and impair blood circulation. Which would affect the erection again.

Beware of alort

You should set the practice immediately if it appears at one of the following topics on or after a jelqing meeting:

  • Pain or complaints
  • itching
  • Bruise or discoloration
  • Red spots on your shaft
  • Deafness or tingling
  • Break

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