How To Cook Oatmeal With An Egg In The Microwave
Microwave Egg Oatmeal – Pair eggs and oatmeal for an easy way to add some extra protein to your breakfast. Follow this recipe to learn how to cook oatmeal with an egg!

*Originally published 12/2015. Updated 11/2024*
Hi Friends!
This recipe for microwave oatmeal with egg is a must-try! I’ve been making it for over six years. I’m a big fan of oatmeal in the morning. Oats + fruit + nut butter = a great start to my day.
I also focus a lot on making sure I get a good amount of protein at breakfast and oatmeal plus egg seemed like a great way to do that. Oats are a whole grain and full of fiber but I often get hungry quickly if I don’t add healthy fat to my oatmeal or pair it with protein.
Oatmeal with Egg
Have you ever tried an egg in oatmeal?
I’ve always been a microwave oatmeal kinda girl. I don’t have the patience for cooking it on the stovetop. And this is a quick easy way to add some extra protein to your oatmeal.
You can use egg white or a whole egg based on your preference. Oatmeal and eggs make the perfect pair. Even my kids think so. Watch this quick video to see me making their oatmeal.

Microwave Egg Oatmeal
Why pair oatmeal with egg?
Oats are a great way to add whole grains to your diet. However, some people find themselves hungry shortly after eating just a bowl of plain oatmeal.
I like to add nut butter for healthy fats and use cow’s milk for protein but many people with dairy sensitivities may prefer to use a plant-based milk like almond milk which is lower in protein. Adding an egg white can help add a few extra grams of protein and give your oatmeal more staying power.
Oatmeal with Eggs Ingredients:
The best thing about this breakfast is it can be totally customized to your liking. The base ingredients are:
- Oats- I like quick oats because my kids like the texture better but you can also use rolled oats.
- Milk – You can use cow’s milk or any alternative milk you like – almond, soy, etc.
- Egg white- I prefer using just the white but you can also do this with a whole egg – it’s just a bit more noticeable.
- Fruit- This is optional but I love mixing in chopped apples, diced pears, peaches, strawberries etc. Frozen wild blueberries are also great to mix in after you microwave to help cool the oatmeal down.
- Nut butter – This is an easy way to add some healthy fats and help boost the satiety of the oatmeal. You can mix it in before microwaving or stir it in afterward.
- Chocolate chips – Who doesn’t love a little extra sweetness?!
How To Make Egg White Oatmeal:
So here’s what you do:
- Put oats, milk, chopped fruit and an egg/egg white in a bowl and mix it up.
- Stick it in the microwave.
- Stop and stir.
- Cook a little more.
- Stir in some nut butter.
- Top with cinnamon and a few chocolate chips.
And bam! Breakfast is ready in under 5 minutes.
Microwave Eggs and Oatmeal Recipe
Here’s the actual recipe I use. You can adjust the quantities of oats, milk and egg to your liking:
How To Cook Oatmeal With An Egg
Learn how to cook oatmeal with an egg – an easy way to add some extra protein to breakfast!
- Prep Time: 2 minutes
- Cook Time: 3 minutes
- Total Time: 5 minutes
- Yield: serves 1
- 1/3 cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 egg white or egg
- 1/4 cup chopped fruit (optional)
- optional toppings: cinnamon, nut butter, seeds, chocolate chips
- Combine oats, milk, egg/egg white and fruit (if using) in a bowl and mix well.
- Microwave for 45 seconds.
- Stir well.
- Microwave another 30-60 seconds.
- Top as desired and serve warm.
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Feel free to use the whole egg or just egg white(s). My kids find the whole egg to be more noticeable so just prefer egg white.
Egg White Oatmeal Recipe FAQs
What type of oats should I use?
For this recipe you can use instant oats or rolled oats. This recipe will not work with steel cuts oats.
Can I use the whole egg?
You’re welcome to try this recipe with the whole egg. My kids find that it makes the egg much more noticeable because it doesn’t blend in as well as just the egg white but I’ve heard from people who prefer the whole egg.
You can also try buying liquid egg whites in a carton instead of separating a whole egg.
How long do you cook microwave oatmeal with egg?
Cooking time can also vary based on your preference. Some people like their oatmeal to be a bit more creamy and liquidy. Some like it cooked more so it’s thicker and fluffier.
What are the benefits of adding egg to oatmeal?
Adding egg to oatmeal is an easy way to add a few grams of protein without making a super noticeable change to the breakfast you enjoy. It will help give your oatmeal more staying power and keep you fuller longer.
What fruit is best in egg white oatmeal?
Most fruit works well in this recipe. Naturally soft fruits like berries, peaches and pears are great. If you’re using something a little firmer like apples, be sure to chop them into small pieces so they can cook quickly.
What about oatmeal egg pancakes?
If you’re looking for a different breakfast option, oatmeal egg pancakes can be great. Here are a few recipes to try:

Healthy Recipes with Oats
Need more ways to use up that giant tub of oats? Try