Ekanta Hita, Ekanta Ahita and Hita Ahita Dravyas


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

There are many dravyas – substances in the creation, in fact innumerable. But are all the substances suitable to us (from the health perspective)? The other part of the doubt will be – are all substances unsuitable for health? The trickiest question which surfaces from this is – are there some substances which are suitable as well as unsuitable for us?

Acharya Sushruta gives a clarification for this concept.

Ref – Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana Chapter 20, Verse 3 (Su.Su.20/3, 4)

Ekanta Hita, Ekanta Ahita and Hita Ahita Dravyas

यद्धायोःपथ्यंतत्पित्तस्यापथ्यमित्यनेनहेतुनानकिंचिद्रव्यमेकान्तेनहितमहितंवाऽस्तीतिकेचिदाचार्याबुवते।तत्तुनसम्यक्; इहखलुयस्माद्रव्याणिस्वभावतःसंयोगतश्चैकान्तहितान्येकान्ताहितानिहिताहितानिचभवन्ति॥३॥

There are so many classifications of Dravya – substance. The below mentioned is yet another classification of dravyas based on their hita – suitability and ahita – non-suitability in terms of health.

The dravyas are classified into three kinds i.e.

–        Ekanta Hita Dravyas
–        Ekanta Ahita Dravyas and
–        Hita-Ahita Dravyas

What are these dravyas? Let us discuss each one of them briefly, with suitable examples a little later. But let us see, what context led to this discussion and classification in Sushruta Samhita.

The chapter in which this discussion of beneficial and non-beneficial substances takes place is called ‘Hitahita Adhyaya’.

The master, quoting the opinion of some experts says –

‘Those substances which are pathya i.e. suitable and wholesome for Vayu, are not suitable for pitta’. This includes medicinens, foods, activities and behaviors. Some authorities based on this principle opine that no substances in the world are either absolutely or always suitable, at all times and in all conditions for all individuals. Similarly, no substances in the world are either absolutely or always unsuitable, at all times and in all conditions for all individuals.

This opinion is incorrect. According to Dhanvantari school, all the substances by their very nature and as a result of their combination or by chance are either –

1.    Hita – always absolutely suitable or
2.    Ahita – always absolutely unsuitable or
3.    Hita Ahita – always absolutely both i.e. suitable and unsuitable according to situation, need or usage.

This discussion brings us to yet another classification of Dravya.

तत्र, एकान्तहितानीजातिसात्म्यात्सलिलघृतदुग्धौदनप्रभृतीनि; एकान्ताहितानितुदहनपचनमारणादिषुप्रवृत्तान्यलक्षारविषादीनि, संयोगादपराणिविषतुल्यानिभवन्ति, हिताहितानितुयद्धायोःपथ्यंतत्पित्तस्यापथ्यमिति॥४॥

1. Ekanta Hita (Hita) Dravya – substances which are always suitable

These are the substances which do not harm the body of the person in spite of using them always and hence absolutely suitable.

Among these, the below mentioned kinds of substances are always suitable –

–        Water
–        Ghee
–        Milk
–        Porridge and similar other substances (which we use regularly)

These substances are always suitable because of being accustomed genetically, over a period of generations or accustomed to the person right from his or her birth. Since they are accustomed, they are also not harmful.

2. Ekanta Ahita (Ahita) Dravya – substances which are always unsuitable

These are the substances which harm the body quickly. Therefore, they cannot be used even for short periods of time and hence they are absolutely unsuitable.

Among these, the below mentioned substances are always unsuitable –

–        Fire used for dahana – burning
–        Caustic alkali used for pachana – cooking
–        Poison used for marana – causing death

Some hita dravya i.e. suitable substances, due to the combination, will also act similar to poison. Therefore, they are also always ahita – unsuitable.

3. Hita-Ahita Dravya – substances which are both suitable and unsuitable in different circumstances

These are the substances which do not cause harm in some certain conditions i.e. when used in proper quantity, in proper time (season) and which are prepared after proper admixture, processing etc. But the same substances can cause harm in certain other conditions, like when used in improper quantity, improper time or season and when prepared after improper admixture, processing etc. So, situationally, they are suitable and unsuitable also. They are considered as suitable-unsuitable substances.

The substances which are both suitable and unsuitable are also those substances, which are mentioned as suitable to Vata and unsuitable to Pitta etc. in the example given in the early part of the discussion. 

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