Does eating late at night cause weight gain?


It is a popular belief that eating late will directly lead to weight gain. However, weight gain is determined by total calorie intake and activity level, not the time you eat. Your body stores calories no differently at night.

This myth is likely based on the fact that people tend to eat less healthy snacks or larger portions at night, leading to an overall increase in calorie consumption.

Scientific studies
Research published in the Journal of Obesity found no evidence that late-night eating directly causes weight gain. What matters is the overall calorie balance – consuming more calories than you burn leads to weight gain, regardless of the time of day.

What can cause it?
Sleep disorders: Eating heavy or spicy foods late at night can cause indigestion or discomfort and disrupt sleep.
Mindless snacking: Late night eating often involves less conscious decisions, such as: B. processed snacks that can lead to excessive calorie intake.

What does weight gain depend on?
Total Calories: When you eat more calories than you burn, weight gain occurs.
Diet quality: Highly processed, high-calorie foods are a bigger problem than timing.
Activity Level: A sedentary lifestyle may contribute more to weight gain than eating.

Final verdict
Eating at night alone does not cause weight gain. Focus on portion sizes, food quality, and your overall daily calorie balance.

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