Diamond Carat Sizes on a Hand: How Different Sizes Look and Expert Tips for Choosing the Right One


Your diamond carat questions answered

What are the carat sizes for diamonds?

The most common carat weights for diamonds start at 0.25 and go up in quarter carat increments. The savings can be found in the ‘just shy’ numbers that are just below these more popular carat weights.

Which carat diamond is best?

The best diamond carat is the one you love the most, that suits your aesthetic, the size of your finger, and fits your budget. There are no rules – choose what you love! Scroll up to see every shape and carat size on a hand.

Is 2.25 carat diamond big?

A well-cut 2.25 carat round brilliant diamond will measure about 8.5mm x 8.5mm which is a pretty substantial size, depending on your finger size and preferences. Keep in mind, 2.25 carats will appear smaller or bigger depending on the shape of the diamond and quality of the cut – a well-cut 2.25 carat oval diamond, for example, will measure about 10mm x 8mm. Poorly cut diamonds appear smaller as they hide more of their weight below the diamond girdle where you can’t see it.

What size should a 1 carat diamond be?

A 1 carat round brilliant diamond will measure about 6.5 mm x 6.5 mm, whereas a 1 carat oval diamond will measure about 7.7 mm x 5.7 mm, and a 1 carat emerald cut diamond will measure about 7 mm x 5 mm. Read our blog to find the mm measurement for every other shape of diamond.

Why does my 1 carat diamond look small?

Because carat refers to weight and not size, a 1 carat diamond can look very different depending on the shape and cut of the diamond. Diamonds with more weight on the bottom of the diamond will look smaller for their carat weight, and diamonds with elongated shapes will generally appear larger for their carat weight.

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