Colossal Break Through to the True You
Full Moon Eclipse March 25 to New Moon Eclipse, April 8, 2024
The Planets of New Consciousness energy in this Full Moon eclipse is about breaking through what was into what is. We can release delusion, we can release playing along to get along, we can open to, and accept our power. It is blast through energy that shakes and wakes us to our evolutionary potential.
It is time to get real, to let go, and allow our light to shine.
We must each find our way in this passage to living our fullest, most powerful life. Only we can know what that is; only we can make the necessary choices to let die what has no life and express a full yes to the new life that can be ours.
We might not know what the new is; we know what the old is and we cannot have both, simultaneously. Leaps of inner trust are required to release what no longer fits. The burning desire to succeed is not lost in the release of letting go of dead weight, no matter how invested we are in it working out. It is time to become who we have been birthing, maybe for lifetimes. The Light is here, and it is within. May we each be open to it and embrace it to our capacity.
Details on the specific deep space astrology data for this waxing Moon is published on Substack.