Cite du Vin – WE magazine for women


Cite du Vin

by Wendy VanHatten

Updates on a fantastic museum that’s not like any other museum. Check it out when you visit Bordeaux.

Following a year marked by the renewal of its cultural offer and a one-month closure for works, the Cité du Vin saw a return to its historic visitor numbers in 2024. It welcomed more than 415,000 general public visitors, in addition to over 5,500 people who took part in a cultural activity as part of a corporate or group event.

These very positive numbers are due to its ever-growing appeal to foreign visitors – from 180 different countries and accounting for more than half of all visitors – enabling the Bordeaux cultural venue to exceed forecasts and return to its pre-Covid visitor numbers. In 2024, the Cité du Vin thus passed the milestone of 3 million visitors since it opened.

Added to this are the large numbers of locals who always turn up for cultural events and professionals attending corporate events. With sustained visitor numbers, the Olympic Games and inclusion in a government promotional campaign, 2024 will remain a landmark year for the Cité du Vin and for the Foundation for wine culture and civilizations, which celebrated its 10th anniversary and confirmed its commitment to increasingly sustainable cultural and leisure activities by renewing its existing certifications and obtaining new ones.

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