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International Events Calendar: January 2025

    As midnight approaches, two dozen newly refurbished bells at Notre Dame ring in the New Year from the illuminated towers rising above Ile de la Cité on the Seine. Just reopened after a major fire shuttered the…

Befriend Yourself – Forsyth Woman Magazine

It took me a long time to really like myself. I had to do the inside work, make a commitment to reverse course on a storyline that was warped and a self-talk that served no good purpose. It’s been a breathtaking journey that has…

Next: Zuriel Oduwole

08 May Next: Zuriel Oduwole Forging Equity for Women Through Education On a trip to Ghana from her hometown of Los Angeles when she was nine years old, Zuriel Oduwole noticed many young girls selling wares on the…

Data vs. Anecdotes – Women’s eNews

Almost immediately after the US election results were announced, Trump declared he had a mandate ‘to bring common sense’ to the country. But how can “common sense” coexist with policies that advocate for both banning…

Always Go To The Funeral

“Always go to the funeral” means that I have to do the right thing when I really, really don’t feel like it. I have to remind myself of it when I could make some small gesture, but I don’t really have to and I definitely don’t…

My Favorite Self-Improvement Books on Audible.

We have talked about memoirs, about juicy business reads . . . today, self-improvement. I love learning and am always trying to better myself a little bit (whether it’s to be a little more informed, to pick up a new skill, to…

10 Best-Selling Skincare Products To Buy Now

The end of the year is upon us, and there’s no time like the present to get our skincare game fine-tuned. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite products to turn back the clock while we move the calendar forward. Whether you’re…

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